hannahkiesch89 Member


  • Glad to have the extra motivation and accountability! After keeping the weight off for around 3 years, I finally let 5 lbs creep back on (blame it on the bar exam, new job, new relationship, etc.). Time to start logging again! Original starting weight - 160 (2012) Settled / resting weight - 130-135 (maintained from…
  • Oh what fun! I'm always curious what people my height weigh. Two of my best friends are also 5'7" - one weighs 120 and looks amazing and the other weighs 150 and also looks amazing. CW: fluctuating around 160 (!) First GW: 150 UGW: 140 Ideally, I'd love to be 135 but I figure I've got to take my pounds where I can get them…