

  • 1. What is that? 2. Yes 3. See someone about proper survey design.
  • I've been on depo for about a year now; in the beginning, my cycle was really irregular, but now it only comes about every 3 months (usually a week or two after I get my shot). I think I had a couple of 2-week periods between my first & second shots and then they started getting shorter and farther apart. I also get…
  • Remember too, that with any recipe you can sub out some of the oil for applesauce, use more natural/lower glycemic sugars (honey, coconut sugar), and do more whole wheat flour to make it more nutritious & calorie-friendly. I personally prefer the texture I get with applesauce, over using more oil, but to each their own!…
  • Anything you'd do with rice, plus, anything you'd do with cold pasta! My favorite so far is toasted quinoa (like a pilaf) with black beans. But then I'm a beans & rice type of person...
  • Greek yogurt is your breakfast friend! Can also be subbed for sour cream on tacos & things.
  • Girl you have to eat! Your body needs fuel to perform its daily functions! I have an open diary - my net goal is about 1500-1700, in bursts of 300-500 calories. Just depends on whether I'm feeling extra hungry from exercise. When you eat whole foods, you'd be surprised at just how much you have to eat to hit your goals…
  • Rice and beans are your best friend. Quinoa is your second-best friend (so much protein!), followed closely by lentils. Throw in a sweet potato now and then, and eat more variety in your vegetables! You are missing out on a world of beautiful food by eating just bread and salad.
  • Used to be TERRIBLE at running, finally decided to just stop complaining and go for it. Lesson learned: running is not fun or enjoyable until you get better at it. However, you will get better at it with practice! Give it some time, and just keep at it!
  • Water long island (surprisingly tasty, or you could just ask them to make it with unsweet tea and no coke), Gin & tonic, rum & soda w/ a dash of juice, and when I'm splurging, love me a hard cider. I also do beer (Guinness is actually a pretty low-cal option if you like dark & malty) on occasion, just drink it more slowly,…
  • If you're doing that much strength training, are you sure you're getting enough nutrients with only 1200 calories? And definitely start eating those exercise calories back (at least some of them). If you're netting too low an amount, your body gets angry and won't let go of fat anymore. You don't have to eat them back with…
  • Tried listening to music while running and it just messes with my flow. Plus it's dangerous out there and my dog is too friendly to be a deterrent so I like to hear what's going on. Can't listen at home when I lift because I don't want to wake mi esposo!
  • I have to be to work at 9am, too (lucky, I know)! I'm a morning type person, but it takes me a while to wake up enough to get into workout mode! Bedtime before 10:00 (usually more like 9 or 9:30) or I will require too much caffeine the next day. Wake up - 5:45ish, get myself some water, eat a tiny bit, brush my teeth, just…
  • Nah, you're fine with tea & coffee! I like to mix it up with herbal/flavored teas and iced varieties of tea & coffee for the flavored beverage end of the spectrum. However, I wouldn't count a mug of coffee equal to a mug of water. Yes, you'll get some hydration, but it'll be minimal. So drink up!
  • If you aren't hungry, don't eat. If you are hungry (and not just bored or dehydrated), eat! It's pretty simple how that works, really. You might have some of those extra cals at breakfast if you wake up famished.
  • I'll take "things that are leafy and green" for 200, Alex. And maybe some dried fruits. I also take a multivitamin (used to be anemic, never again!) and I always get compliments on my hemoglobin levels when I give blood, lol.
  • 5'9" SW 175, US size 14/15 (pants) size 12/L (tops) CW 145 US size 10 (pants) size 8/S (tops)
  • Go buy some grade B from your local farmer's market! When I'm not feeling the sweet, peanut butter & applesauce are also delicious.
  • There's no RDA from the FDA for sugar, since our bodies don't technically "need" it. But there is definitely a difference between refined sugars and those you get from whole fruits! Still sugar (glucose), but it also comes with a package of fiber, water, and nutrients, which means your body processes it differently. Best…
  • I like to have a little something for energy a few minutes before I run (though with 1.5 miles it's not necessary) so I wake up with about half a banana, and then get some greek yogurt and berries with some granola sprinkled on top after I cool down & shower. Total I usually eat between 300 and 350 calories for breakfast.…
  • I love bananas, especially pre-workout! They are high sugar and pretty high calorie for a fruit, but they are great for potassium and other nutrients. I mean, don't eat like 12 of them at once but I'm assuming you weren't going to anyway... :)
  • I'm just mildly intolerant (breaks me out, makes me cranky and bloated), but I cut it out. I eat whole foods mostly, so if I'm not making it at home with flour or other gluten I don't get any! That's also way cheaper than all those processed foods...
  • I go with a half a banana or similar about 15-20 mins before my run (I go for 4 miles-ish in the am), then finish it after. Any more than that and I get sick to my stomach/cramps midway through since I don't have the time to wait for it to digest, and if I don't eat I get worn out faster--also be sure to drink some water…
  • Big spoon full of peanut/almond/nut butter. 200+ calories. Add celery or apple slices to make it less bachelor-esque (I just eat it from the jar....) Handful of nuts. 150-250 depending on hand size and nut type. Larabar or other natural ingredient protein/meal replacers. 200+ calories Protein shakes or Ensure (which I…
  • If you want more coverage without the extra drag, try out some men's jammers over (or under, whatever.) a sport one-piece. I did that for a long time when I taught sailing to keep from sunburning the tops of my knees. We were in & out of the water all the time and I never had a problem with them. Ladies' swim shorts were…
  • This. Scale weight is all well and good, but it's not an accurate indicator of health or fitness. You're eating more, your waist is shrinking and you're not seeing weight loss? You're building muscle and feeding your body what it's been asking for strength and recovery! Forget lbs & kilos. You feel good and you are seeing…
  • It's been 3 weeks? Go see a specialist! You can get your gp to recommend one, and that will probably be cheaper than an MRI if it's a therapy fix and not a surgery fix. All I can say is, tiny fracture maybe? Sounds similar to when I had a bone chip in my elbow. But really, nobody on here can diagnose you like your doctor!…
  • Pepper spray, my dog, and my phone. And if you're running late, go without music and just listen to the sounds! I run really early (before sunup) in the city and have never had problems, but it only takes once.
  • Weights! And don't use the machines--use the freeweights/kettlebells or do bodyweight training if you can't go to the gym. Want to really challenge yourself for strength? Read the Naked Warrior by Pavel Tsatsouline and try a pistol squat or one-handed pushup for the first time. I fell right over. When you did P90X did you…