clanmomma Member


  • I am glad that I am not the only one who finds counting the days can be a trigger! I suffer from that too! I did really good this week. But I am not terribly sure the true number of days. I suppose I could review my diary and figure it out, but I am still very much in the "just for today". I do not look at yesterday, and I…
  • You are not alone, and thank you for sharing. This has been my every day for the past little bit. Little = three months. I start my day good, count one or two things then get frustrated at work and by the time I get home, I get my binge on. I caught the stomach flu last week and while I paid little attention to what I ate…
  • I am starting over again today. I fell off the wagon about a month and a half ago. I finally went to the doctor and she said she believes I have some imbalances that is making it harder on me. She thinks I am insulin resistant and my testosterone is too high. I am supposed to go in for blood tests. I seemed to have used…
  • I have a very similar story. i have attended a few meetings and bought two books. But there are few in my area and none are closer than a 30 minute drive for me. With a large family, a close knit friend group and a full time career, it is hard to take two or more hours out of my schedule with out it causing an eating…