

  • Hiya, i'm 5' 2", 24 years old and eat around 1300 calories a day. I exercise 5 days a week ranging from yoga, dancing, running and bodycombat doing around 1 - 1/2 hours a day. I weight 129lbs at the moment trying to get down to around 113lbs. I find it difficult to loose weight as I stick to a generally healthy food…
  • Thanks for your reply. Thought it might have been as easy enough as do this and it will help lol did'nt realise you couldn't spot reduce :( I might give just free weights a try then.
  • Hi, Yeh I take a multivitamin and iron tablet. I've been tracking my food and apparntly was only getting like 7% iron a day, which is probably why i'm tired all the time! The multivitamin contains vitamin B, D, A, thiamin which is good for skin, hair, nervous system etc. Was only £1.20 from Sainsburys!