

  • I know exactly how you mean, and feel about weighing in frequently. I also had a problem with easily being discouraged when I see the scale plateau making me feel like I am not making progress and want to give up! So I thought of a great idea, and this is what I ended up doing... I put up my favorite inspiring quotes such…
  • I know exactly how you mean, and feel about weighing in frequently. I also had a problem with easily being discouraged when I see the scale plateau making me feel like I am not making progress and want to give up! So I thought of a great idea, and this is what I ended up doing... I put up my favorite inspiring quotes such…
  • Honestly it depends on your goal... if you are trying to gain muscle then yes, burning almost 1000 calories a day would be too much. If your first step before gaining muscle is to lose body fat, then it no if you’re doing it right! It’s ok to burn a lot of calories but also depends on your daily calorie count your setting…