Obsessed with the scale



  • erin4455
    erin4455 Posts: 135
    Some friends and I on here have vowed to give up the scale for one month - we weighed in for the last time yesterday and won't weigh in again until March 31st. I think everyone gets caught up in the numbers and it's a good idea to take a step back - even if you have to force yourself - and start tracking your progress on other ways that don't cause as much stress (i.e. progress photos, measurements, noting how clothing fits differently, etc.). Good luck!
  • I know exactly how you mean, and feel about weighing in frequently. I also had a problem with easily being discouraged when I see the scale plateau making me feel like I am not making progress and want to give up! So I thought of a great idea, and this is what I ended up doing... I put up my favorite inspiring quotes such as e.g. “The only bad workout is the one you don’t let happen” to simply, e.g. "smile today". If you set different goals other than the weight loss and being easily discouraged when every day is progress though your # doesn't feel like it, you can stop obsessing and use other positive outlooks on your life and know you should be proud, and happy about trying then disappointing yourself all together and have regret. Once I was able to understand this concept I built for myself day to day, I started noticing how less I was stepping on the scale, and being more proud of my progress then ever! Here is another great quote you may like to post on your mirror in your bathroom or on your front door "Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow."-Plato

    FYI (Sorry if i wasnt 100% making sense... its still 5a in the morning, and start my day everyday @3:50a, so i hope you get it : )
  • 111sqy
    111sqy Posts: 4 Member
    I understand but Im afraid that if I dont stand on I will do something wrong eat something wrong. but If i see that smaller its that number I see in my head when I say no to the cookie. I guess its my will power till I get stronger !
  • i totally relate to this and depending what they say sets my mod for the day !!!
    I would recommend measuring yourself as that also helps :)
  • I weigh myself everyday. Everyday at the same time, after I go to the bathroom, wearing the same thing, nothing. So many people tell me to weigh in once a week, but it being daily gets me in the mindset of the day. The slightest fluctuation helps me see my loss or gain. We all have to figure out what's right for us. You lost 7 lbs in 3 weeks, that's great. Don't give up, you're body is adjusting and lost it's initial weight, continue what you're doing and you'll see more change. If for some reason you don't feel like what you're doing is helping, change it up at little, throw your body off.

    Good luck in your weight loss. Remember you can do it.
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    I was weighing weekly in January and saw the numbers stay the same and go totally discouraged. In February I decided to start monthly weigh-ins, so my first one was today. I lost 4 lbs!!! You know what is better than seeing .5 or 1 or 2 lbs drop......seeing 4lbs gone. Try to let it go, I was absolutely terrified that I had gained but I am so happy that I waited to weigh. Also please note that this brings me up to a total of 5 lbs down since Jan 1......it takes a while, especially if you don't have a lot to lose.
  • I know exactly how you mean, and feel about weighing in frequently. I also had a problem with easily being discouraged when I see the scale plateau making me feel like I am not making progress and want to give up! So I thought of a great idea, and this is what I ended up doing... I put up my favorite inspiring quotes such as e.g. “The only bad workout is the one you don’t let happen” to simply, e.g. "smile today". If you set different goals other than the weight loss and being easily discouraged when every day is progress though your # doesn't feel like it, you can stop obsessing and use other positive outlooks on your life and know you should be proud, and happy about trying then disappointing yourself all together and have regret. Once I was able to understand this concept I built for myself day to day, I started noticing how less I was stepping on the scale, and being more proud of my progress then ever! Here is another great quote you may like to post on your mirror in your bathroom or on your front door "Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow."-Plato
  • Erika44095
    Erika44095 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm guilty. I step on the scale every morning & then every night. I know based on my weight at the end of the day that genrally I'm two pounds lighter in the morning, then I know what to expect in the morning. My husband knows I weigh myself everyday, but if he knew I did this, he would probably hide my scale from me
  • AshS1050
    AshS1050 Posts: 43 Member
    this is almost my exact same story. i started in january and lost 7 lbs by Feb 1 and wanted to lose 10 by March 1 and i'm SOOO discouraged b/c it is March 1 and i'm 3 lbs away. So same deal. i didn't hit a wall, but i kept gaining & losing the same 5lbs over and over again. i too weigh everyday and when i don't weigh i gain more or lose less. i need that constant reminder of where i am and how much harder i need to work. if i stop weighing myself, i lose focus and eat like a fat kid.

    i think different people are motivated differently. so watching numbers can be helpful if it motivates you, but don't let it keep you from pushing forward. if you keep up the healthy lifestyle, the numbers will go down eventually.

    7 lbs is a great loss! just keep up the determination
  • I do weigh myself pretty frequently. I try not to obsess about the number, particularly three pounds either way. This seems pretty normal for me and water seems to even it out more. I also keep a tape measure handy because I am doing a lot of aerobic activity these days and I'm building muscle. So even though the scale may not be moving, it doesn't mean that I'm not making progress.
  • res119
    res119 Posts: 27
    I was weighing weekly in January and saw the numbers stay the same and go totally discouraged. In February I decided to start monthly weigh-ins, so my first one was today. I lost 4 lbs!!! You know what is better than seeing .5 or 1 or 2 lbs drop......seeing 4lbs gone. Try to let it go, I was absolutely terrified that I had gained but I am so happy that I waited to weigh. Also please note that this brings me up to a total of 5 lbs down since Jan 1......it takes a while, especially if you don't have a lot to lose.

    This is so true. The more weight I see that I have lost, the more encouraged I think I will be. So I think I will participate with those of you who are doing no scale March!

    I am feeling much more encouraged even noticing that my running endurance has improved, so today is a much better day. You guys are right, it's the other little things that count like slightly looser pants or being able to go longer on the treadmill.

    Thank you for all the encouragement, it really has helped!