mrsdotsworth1 Member


  • I have the same problems. I am a 59 yo female. I am 173 # 5'5". I have the hardest time taking off 20#. HaCg drops diet from chiropractic has messed up my metabolism I think. Was on a 500 cal for 21 days and lost 10#. I have done this 3 times in 3 years. Not sure it's best idea. Please comment.
  • Hey Kerry, I'm new as well!My name is Chris and I live in rural Illinois. I am married with 2 girls age 24 and 22.My eldest daughter is developmentally disabled and lives at home so. I do live stress.I currently weigh 177 and have over the course of 2 years have gained 12 lb. that I had lost so I'm trying this as opposed…