Very discouraged, not sure what else to try



  • rlicopoli
    rlicopoli Posts: 1 Member
    I had the same problem. LA Weight Loss plan solved the problem. (not sure if they are still in business but their method can be googled). My issue wasn't with too many calories. It was with metabolism. The LA weightloss plan requires you to eat a certain amount throughout the day, including water intake. You should check it out if nothing else works. The plan actually had me eating more than I normally would.
  • cryptobrit
    cryptobrit Posts: 200 Member
    rlicopoli wrote: »
    I had the same problem. LA Weight Loss plan solved the problem. (not sure if they are still in business but their method can be googled). My issue wasn't with too many calories. It was with metabolism. The LA weightloss plan requires you to eat a certain amount throughout the day, including water intake. You should check it out if nothing else works. The plan actually had me eating more than I normally would.

    Thank you rlicopoli, I shall have a Google:-)
  • mrsdotsworth1
    mrsdotsworth1 Posts: 3 Member
    I have the same problems. I am a 59 yo female. I am 173 # 5'5". I have the hardest time taking off 20#. HaCg drops diet from chiropractic has messed up my metabolism I think. Was on a 500 cal for 21 days and lost 10#. I have done this 3 times in 3 years. Not sure it's best idea. Please comment.
  • Onamissionforfit
    Onamissionforfit Posts: 90 Member
    Results start in the kitchen not a gym. You can workout as much as you want but if you don't eat right then workout won't matter.
  • lisa0527
    lisa0527 Posts: 49 Member
    If you're doing everything right then it's time to get creative. Try playing with the macros. Maybe higher protein works for you, maybe not. Make sure you get protein, fat and carbs with every meal. I realized I had absolutely no fat in my breakfast, so switched from 0% fat yogurt to 2%, and presto...weight loss and less hungry. A walk right after eating blunts your insulin response to sugars, which should help reduce the effect of elevated insulin of adipocyte growth (big fat cells). I find if I exercise too much that weight loss slowed down. Make sure you have an off day, or low exercise day. Up your fluids. Up your fiber. Cut your sugars. Just try a few things and see what works. It really is different for every person. We'll all lose weight eventually if we're starved. But we lose at vastly different rates. We extract calories from identical meals at different rates. If you're peri menopausal your resting metabolic rate will be slower. If you sit all day for your job, your resting metabolic rate will be slower. So many variables. If what you're doing isn't working, try to change it up a bit. Just don't give up.
  • rachfking
    rachfking Posts: 40 Member
    I am 47 and have been doing MFP for 7 weeks now, strength & cardio with 1200 calories. I've only lost 2kg in that time, which is very frustrating, but on the other hand I feel fitter and I really do look a lot better. I have 4kg to go to reach the very top end of the healthy weight range for my height. Hang in there!
  • rachfking
    rachfking Posts: 40 Member
    What I meant to say was that I definitely think age and hormones are a major factor. It has been a LOT easier in the past for me to lose weight. This time I plan to keep it off as I know it will be even harder next time!