

  • welcome back Amanda. Stormchaser is right as long as you enjoyed your vacation then you succeeded. You'll lose that 1 pound quick. Sniffles great job on your half pound loss keep it up. every little bit counts.
  • Congrats to everyone's losses and keep on going to those who gained. I lost none but I will work even harder this week. Everyone make sure you drink enough water throughout the day it will really clean out your system. My husband lost two pounds for a total of 12 pounds in 3 weeks. I'm so proud of him. We finally got our…
  • good job naircint no loss for me this week but that is better than a gain. Good luck to everyone else. I'll be at the game all day today so i'll check back again Sunday morning.
  • Here is the link for the upcoming week. I hope everyone is ok, haven't heard from everyone all day. Good luck to those tomorrow that are weighing in.
  • stormchaser also consider if its TOM you will have a little extra weight just remember that when you weigh in. You are still doing good, keep it up
  • hasiangirl welcome, we don't have a time limit on this group we weigh in on Saturdays but you can stick to your regular day if you wish. We will be here for you.
  • Ourgang- just keep that positive attitude and you'll be fine. I hope you leg is healing ok. Keep up with the good eating and doing whatever activity you can and you'll be fine.
  • AButler- i hope your not sick and I do hope you find the motivation to work out. even walking is better than nothing. We will help motivate if we can. ourgang- just take it easy, watch what you eat and do what you can. Your body needs to work on healing your wounds before it works on losing weight. vanimami- have you been…
  • tecatecate- congrats on the loss and do please be careful and safe. That is a bad feeling to have. Not to feel safe in your home. Make sure your ready for anything. ourgang- I hope your leg is better by tomorrow. sounds like your doing great with your food choices and working out. Keep it up.
  • tahmed- just remember portion control and you should be ok. Enjoy your trip with your husband though and don't stress about the food to much. And like you said you will be walking alot. Ourgang- everyone slips sometimes it is just important to get right back up and start again. We will hear from you on Wed. cds2327…
  • vanimami we have move to week 2 thread read my post above yours to get the link. See you there.
  • Great job Angiebangie, keep up the good work.
  • Everyone remember, I even have to tell myself this but the scale isn't the only assessment of how your doing. Measurements count and I am sure some of you haven't really noticed the scale budge but a difference in clothing. Also how to do you feel physically. Do you feel better when you didn't scarf down those brownies or…
  • Sparkler2112 welcome to the group. We have started a new thread for week two. The link is below. Our weighs ins are on Saturday mornings but any day is fine as long as it stays consistent every week and you weigh your self at the same time that day. I like mornings right after I use the restroom and before breakfast. My…
  • Good job everyone keep it up. I know I shouldn't bum about the almost 1 pound loss but sometimes you can't help especially when you bust your tail working out. But sometimes you have off weeks. your body has to learn and adjust. Everyone keep up the good work this week.
  • Don't hate when you barely lose anything. I lost almost 1 pound but a loss is a loss. I will push harder next week. My husband lost another 5 pounds. That is 10 pounds in 2 weeks. Wish I could pull numbers like that. Good luck to everyone weighing in. I will check in later tonight.
  • Here is the thread for week 2, if the link doesn't work just look for New Body November Week 2 under Motivation and Support. Good luck to everyone weighing in.
  • It depends on what your goals are set for. if you set your goals to work out 30 mins a day for at least three days and to lose 1 pound a week then that is the calories they give you. If you are wanting more results then change your goals to lose 2 pounds a week and work out 5 times a week for at least 30 mins. It will…
  • Thats why I pick Saturday as well and you can indulge a little Saturday night and work it off all week. My husband and I do this Saturday mornings because that is when we are both home together and we check each other's weight. It was hard when we started to let my husband see my weight. I weighed more than him and he has…
  • tahmed just remember portion control and you should be able to make it through the yummy foods. Also try to eat something high in protein before you go. It will help you feel full longer and you won't be starving when you get there. That is how people over eat. I will have the new thread up late tonight so look for it…
  • Yeah I would say try it, it is only 10 bucks and it really gets your heart going.
  • Welcome tecatecate 10 pounds in a month is great. Keep up with what your doing and we will support you in every way we can.
  • congrats to those who weighed in this week and welcome to the new ones. keep up the good work everyone
  • Welcome Skittles, Read through the post to get to know the group a little better and you will see when weigh ins are and when knew threads are coming. Also to those just joining tell us a little about yourself. I have a post earlier this week to tell us your age, where you are from and to name at least one thing you…
  • Congrats on everyone's weight loss. Keep it up. I got my 30 day shred DVD yesterday and did it today. Oh my goodness. I have watch that tracks calories. I burned about 400 calories in 20 minutes. Wow you don't realize what kind of shape your in till you do something like that. But I felt great afterward. Lots of energy.…
  • Welcome Hepkity. We do weighs in on Saturdays but if you have your own day that is fine as well. We will support you as much as we can and hopefully help each other learn better habits.
  • tahmed- those seem like reasonable goals to me. We will help you reach those goals the best we can.
  • Yeah Monday is Fine, I just picked a day so I can keep track of most of the weigh ins at once.
  • Vanddj2, sniffles, and vanimami welcome to our group. Our weigh ins are on Saturday. I will start the next weeks post late Friday night so everyone can weigh in on it for the new week. We are here for you and hopefully you are here for us. Ourgang- 1 pound is 1 pound. They say the average weight loss from eating right and…