

  • jenzimmer - so sorry to hear about your frustration! I'm really new at this pregnancy thing (and still in my second trimester) but my understanding is - everybody is really different! And it sounds like your baby must just be having a last minute growth spurt because you are making all the right eating choices, so I…
  • 911girl – YAY congrats on your healthy baby girl Kristy – my husband is TOTALLY OBSESSED with the Doppler. He loves to use it – even though we can both feel kicks now, something about hearing his baby just makes him so happy. It makes me tear up, too. Also, we bought a TON of nursery furniture on ebay – we have bought…
  • @kristy - we have a doppler too! I have an anterior placenta so we don't hear the heartbeat much, but we listen to fetal movements all the time. My husband especially loves it - we bought ours for 35 dollars - not too bad.
  • Hi Elizabeth! We are due about a week apart! cool! Re: scale - you know, I've seen some surprising jumps lately too. I think this is very normal for this part of pregnancy. Just remember that you are doing the best you can and your baby will be healthy and even if you have an extra 5-10 pounds to lose in the end, that's…
  • mathjulz - glad you were able to make it to the fair!!! re: weight gain stats - I am 23 weeks today and I have gained 17 pounds. The doctor mentioned that I should slow down... although according to the charts I am doing ok - I am on the "upper end" of weight gain but not over. Ah, I'm not going to obsess about it, just do…
  • I did a scholarship program after graduating and met my husband and.. well I guess the rest is history :) I have been here for 6 years and I love it. The healthcare is great - I have been really happy so far. The only disappointment is that I have to pay for my gestational diabetes screening (next appt, eek) out of pocket…
  • Hi all! Just joining in. Name: Emily Location: Munich, Germany Hometown: PIttsburgh, PA Due Date: January 10th, 2012 Gender: Boy! It's my first! I am getting back on track on this site - up until now I was gaining slowly but now my weight gain has sped up so I want to get a handle on it before it gets out of control. And…
  • Hi Ashley, I am just trying to kick-start my fitness (better late than never). Tomorrow I am starting prenatal yoga, and I am going on vacation on friday - so I actually hope to work in at least 30 mins of walking daily! Otherwise - swimming is always great, if you have access to a pool. Let me know what you try! Emily
  • Hi all! Just introducing myself! Name: Emily Location: Munich, Germany Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA Due Date: January 10th, 2012 I just joined back up with myfitnesspal - I gained a little too fast in the last month, so I would like to get a better handle on my eating to keep things under control. I also need to get moving…
  • you could donate them to me! I am setting up a fund. (ha ha ha)
  • Hey , I feel your pain. It always feels like such a betrayal when foods you thought were low cal turn out not to be! Here are some suggestions for FILLING low cal foods: - soups. you can make HUGE soups with all kinds of ingredients and have a ginormous bowl with usually very few calories. - whole grains - try using…
  • @finnhead - here is an article about vegan lunch ideas with some good tips and this article about brown bag lunches: (GOTTA LOVE THEKITCHN!)
  • I make salads with winter greens and veggies! in season right now: - kale - endive - mangold - spinach - swiss chard . kohlrabi - cabbage - celery root - fennel - radishes (including daikon) - turnips (raw or cooked) add the following: - shredded beets - chopped apples - pears -carrots - onion - cheese cauliflower…
  • Here's a little tip I have discovered - FREEZE the extras. Freeze the extra cookies, the bread slices, everything you don't need now! This has two benefits - 1) you won't have to worry about the foot disappearing or going bad 2) it takes time and effort to reheat it. So if you really want it, you have it but you have to…
  • I so know what you MEAN! I feel like I have been trying forever - also since the beginning of january - with very few results. Here is what I think (or how i try to console myself) gradual change is GOOD! It means that it is more permanent. Because we are making lifestyle changes that are forever, not just practicing…
  • hey there! I live in Germany - Munich, actually, and am from the US as well! Willkommen :)
  • .. hummus isn't high in fat! it's a great lowfat protein. it's made with chickpeans and tahini (but only a teensy bit of tahini..)
  • I have to respectfully disagree with you, lushy. If you are only eating 1200 AND exercising you are eating too little - your body will slip into starvation mode sooner or later and you will stagnate. You are also messing with your metabolism that way - bad for your "future" years! If I were you, abryan, I would focus on…
  • I love to roast eggplant! Either slice and toss with a bit of olive oil or just cut in half and stick it in the oven - let it really roast to get the best flavor. Other ideas: - sautee with canned tomatoes - the eggplant will "soak" up the tomato juice. Yum - use in curry - dredge in egg and breadcrumbs and then bake…
  • I have a polar ft40, love it too My understanding is that the Bodybugg isn't a HRM - it measures your calories burned through other mechanisms... you are supposed to wear it all day - whereas HRMs, like the polars, are meant to be worn only during your workouts... Hope that helps!
  • you could also try another grain! - quinoa - barley -wheat berries - whole wheat coucous -polenta -bulgar yum yum
  • Well.. I'm like this amazing exactly 1 pound a week machine, hahah! :) clocked in a 82.5 so I guess I am ok with that. Gotta stay committed - can't WAIT to be back in the 70s... Valentine's Day goal: 77 kilos Week 1 (12/20) - 84 Week 2 (12/27) - 83.5 Week 3 (1/3) -83 Week 4 (1/10) - 82.5 Week 5 (1/17) - Week 6 (1/24) -…
  • Hi all! Sorry, I checked out for a while. I am back with revised goals: Valentine's Day goal: 77 kilos Week 1 (12/20) - 84 Week 2 (12/27) - 83.5 Week 3 (1/3) -83 Week 4 (1/10) - Week 5 (1/17) - Week 6 (1/24) - Week 7 (1/31) - Week 8 (2/7) - Week 9 and END (2/14) – I'm hoping for a good loss tomorrow.. to get back on…
  • I love my HRM. Reasons: 1) I get a much more accurate (if not perfect) calorie burn indication 2) When I am wearing my HRM, I work HARD because I know that I will get to "see" my results as opposed to just clocking minutes 3) It makes me feel kinda badass :) I have the Polar FT40 and love it.
  • I think this is much easier said than done. I think it's a really healthy strategy to know that, hey, if I want to have some more indulgent stuff tonight - I better hit the gym! Then It's OK, ya know? At least for me personally, I know that will lead to a healthier lifestyle. But as you say - everyone needs to figure out…
  • haha! Yes, that is also one of my biggest motivations cause let's be honest - 1300 calories so so liiiiiiitle. Even when eating healthy stuff!!
  • thank you everyone for the great suggestions! I agree that if I'm able to stick with it, then something must be right :)
  • this is a common misconception. You ARE burning off all your normal defecit calories! For example, if you have a 1lb/week loss, you have a 500 calorie defecit per day. Even if you eat ALL your exercise calories, you will still have a 500 calorie defecit! Some people say "but then what is the point of working out" but I say…
  • I always eat my exercise calories. Why? Because if I don't "get to" I am not motivated to exercise AT ALL! And we all know that exercise is good for you AND your weight loss also, of course it isn't healthy to workout like crazy on 1400 calories! you need to give your body more fuel. Remember this is about lifetime,…
  • thanks for all the great suggestions!