ddundonald Member


  • Actualy this agrees with what my doctor told me. She said that if I wanted to lose weight I should avoid sugar because it is the sugar that causes the fat to stay on. She recommended that I never eat anything with more than 5g of sugar in it, including fruit. So this would rule out apples and bananas for example. A typical…
  • I have lost about 20lbs so far since starting my diet 2 months ago, so not very much yet and quite a bit less than I had hoped. My MFP target is 1,330 a day, but I am very often below that and get the "starvation" warning when I submit my calories for the day. I have been considering increasing my calorie intake to about…
  • According to the calculators at fat2fitradio my TDEE for my current weight is 2700 and for my target weight it is 2500. However, this just seems like nonsense to me. I have never had a time where I have eaten 2700 calories on average each day. MFP tells me to get to my goal I should eat 1370 per day and I have no problem…