If it bothers you, say something. Not to be cliche, but honesty is important, and you should always be honest how you feel, even if you have to be tactful with how you bring it up. "Hey, want to hear something really stupid? Sometimes I feel jealous of you and her. You guys are so close. Stupid, right?" Be…
Patience, it isnt going to happen over night. Personally, my first few weeks I did not weight in. I just stuck to the plan and checked on my progress a couple weeks later. Make sure you weight consistently (morning before eating, no clothes/always the same or similar clothes, etc). Those first few weeks there really isnt…
Store leftover pizza in a sealed bag (or just throw it out!). Storing it in the box causes it to dry out much faster.
I will let myself have a bad day. Heck, sometimes I am having an awful day and will consciously stress eat. I always log it, and I try to never feel bad about it. Yeah, you made a mistake, but it is almost always recoverable. I have had weeks where I overate by a 1000(!) calories in one day, and I was still able to balance…
Actually that is false. There are a few non-partisan resources on understanding some elements of the law, definitely worth a read. Romney, for lack of a better candidate.