MissKitty9 Member


  • You can't, really. We just don't hang ornaments near the bottom (to make the tree less tempting) & hope for the best.
  • Instead of using diet pills in this way, I would talk to your doctor. If you feel the need to take speedy drugs to get through the day at your job, maybe you're dealing with an attention or mood disorder? Not being snarky or anything (it's hard to decipher tone on the internet); just giving a legit suggestion with maybe a…
  • If you've just started, I say stick to the 1200 (as best as you can) FOR NOW, & then re-evaluate in a couple weeks. (As a note, "sticking to 1200" means eating your exercise calories back.)
  • You probably are taking in more potassium than it's saying, only because potassium isn't listed on every food item in the database. So, check that first. If you really AREN'T getting any potassium, then yeah, that's not good. You need potassium for healthy heart function, among other things. These goods are high in…
  • You can't even tell unless you stretch & pull on it like you're doing in the video--then, yeah, you can tell it's loose skin as a result of weight loss, but like everyone's saying: give it time! You're young, your skin is nice & smooth, just exercise the core for a couple months & it will snap back :smile:
  • I don't know why I'm even replying to this ridiculousness, but assuming it's real--- your scale is off. Like someone on the previous page said, step off of it & look at the dial... is it at 0? Because I bet it's not. It's probably around 20 (which is why when you step on, you're 20 pounds heavier than you normally are).…
  • I THINK almond milk actually has more calcium? Maybe? I mean, I love it. And you can always pick up a bottle of milk, & a bottle of almond milk, & compare the labels. I think the biggest "pro" is that it's non-dairy (some feel dairy is irritating to the digestive system, skin, etc.) & non-soy (some feel soy is bad for you,…
  • Are you exercising? I've been an on/off smoker for a long time (I know, its terrible!) & I do notice the weight goes on more easily when I'm in an "off" phase. Exercise helps, though. And it helps you stay away from the cigs, because you don't want to mess up your lung function by lighting up (even just one---you REALLY…
  • This only works for me on weekends, like if I sleep in a little, & have that big breakfast around 10, or 11? Then, same as you... won't be hungry until 4 or 5, & I'll have dinner. So if it works for you, & your schedule, why not! I just can't do it during the week--- the big breakfast will put me over calories waaaay too…
  • Everyone covered it but yeah, this is ALL your issue, & you need to keep getting help for what seems to be lingering insecurity stemming from your past anorexic/bulimic tendencies. It's not your boyfriend's job to completely alter his body in order to make YOU feel better... :frown:
  • Banana, almond milk, & strawberry yogurt makes a tasty smoothie. And to add, just go to "Recipe". You add each ingredient, name the recipe, & save, & then you'll have it every time you make the smoothie :smile:
  • I had one of those days on Saturday, & didn't log it because it was just going to be too annoying (ate out, had a little bit of everything, an indeterminate amount of wine... etc.) but I've logged other days where I messed up. Once you do it, it's not so scary! (& sometimes you even realize you haven't messed up THAT badly)
  • If food is like a "drug" to you, then I'd advise not to include cheat days until you're more accustomed to eating healthy. And I agree with everyone who says cheat days are different for different people. For me, it's usually one day of not logging. I'm probably still eating around goal, but I don't have to deal with the…
  • Parsley? Maybe vinegar mixed in with water? (A little bad science-y, the vinegar, but I find it helps me)
  • Tofu is great, just buy the pre-cubed "Extra firm" kind & toss it into a frying pan or wok. Then add whatever flavors you want---- soy sauce & spices is a tasty, easy sauce for your first time. If you don't like it on its own, add to noodles or vegetables.
  • I walk every day (okay, almost every day) during my lunch & do an hour-long Pilates class twice a week (athletic Pilates, with bands, weights, balls). I still need to reduce body fat to get really defined abs, but I noticed a big difference after upping the frequency of going to my Pilates class. This doesn't work for…
  • I do a green smoothie in the morning--- handful of kale, handful of spinach, celery stalk, half a cucumber (or one mini cucumber), one cut up apple (to sweeten), sprinkle of ginger & cold water w/ lemon. Sometimes parsley. ~I~ think it's tasty, but it depends on your palette. Maybe substitute an avocado for an apple at…
  • I've been a vegetarian since I was a kid, too :) Just never liked the look/taste of meat; it's cool to see others who are similar! (I always get weird looks & questions when I tell people...) I agree you should be under specialized care (just meaning, advisement from a professional) but if you're sick of sandwiches, maybe…
  • Did you mean to reply to me? Because I definitely *never* said one would make her lose more weight than the other... & we agree about the additives. Not sure what's going on :ohwell:
  • Eh, since the calorie amount is negligible, I'd just go for the bread. It's "cleaner", I'm sure (no long list of ingredients; which I know is debated on here, but since she's asking what's "healthier" I assume the OP would wanna take that into account)
  • Aw, so sorry :( That is rough indeed, & I'm sending good thoughts to you :( Hang in there!!
  • I really don't think you should do it via text or email--- YOU might feel less awkward, but imagine how awkward it'll be for him to get a text like that? :noway: If you're less attracted to him & he's been ~steadily~ gaining, I do think it's alright to say something though. IN PERSON. Where he can decipher your tone.…
  • Gorgeous hair, eyes, & face shape :) (sorry if the last sounds weird haha)
  • 140? (btw I have a shirt like that, very pretty!)
  • I feel better working out on an empty stomach--- usually I'll have a spoonful of peanut butter or glass of almond milk, but that's it. Bananas are great too!
  • Feta, parmesan, goat cheese, even small amounts of fresh mozzarella or cheddar is NOT going to undo everything. I was actually surprised at how little calories some cheese have, & I'll add it in sometimes to get the extra protein & calcium. No need to cut it out!
  • I'm 5'7", 128 pounds right now, & according to a range of calculators, I have between 21%-27% body fat?