Okay... now I'm completely confused!
That cute snout!
Okay... I'm so sorry I hardly ever look at these message boards. Just decided to play a little bit tonight. I'm naive, what does gno mean? I seen it twice now
As in.... try something new
Why not? New is good .....
Why is a group of squid not called a squad?
That was clever! Doubled man
O Oops. I mean except pass...
I have no idea. I'm so out of the loop. How about me?
Ummm..... the answer is yes to all of the above☺
Student assistant to the school nurse
Lovely washboard
Gorgeous Hair
A+ student in anatomy
Invite him to spin class with me
Lovely ink!
Nice guns....
I am a mechanical engineer
You are super cute with those glasses!
Professional arm wrestler
High school football coach
An apple jolly rancher
Stephen Moyer
I bet you taste like chocolate mousse! ( which I love)! Also...simple yet delicious!
Ahhh...okay...I like that then. Simple yet delicious! I love it
Base jump