LisaY76 Member


  • First off, you need to STOP with the pity party. Second, going from a large fry to a small fry is not going to help you lose weight. YOUR STILL EATING THE WRONG FOODS, even if it's less of it. If you want this bad enough, you will make it happen. What I'm hearing from your post is, "Blah, Blah, Blah, I can't, I can't, I…
  • You could always try investing in a treadmill. I know it's not the same as being out in the fresh air but if you are that scared to go out when it's dark and it's the only time you can run then at least a treadmill will give you the exercise you need. I also use a headlamp if I'm running in the dark. On every run, I carry…
  • You look amazing. I am shocked by your before pics. It doesn't even look like you. I never would have guessed that were almost 300 lbs. WTG on all your success. I know you hate to be an inspiration so I won't say it but you have my utmost respect and I am so lucky to have you as a friend on MFP. Thanks for FINALLY sharing…
  • That was mine too! Rick Springfield ~ Working Class Dog (which has Jesse's girl) & Success Hasn't Spoiled Me Yet. Bought both albums at the Rick Springfield Concert on October 8, 1984 at the Concord Pavillion. Damn, I can't believe I still remember all that.
  • I usually eat a cold apple straight out of the fridge. You may want to try documenting what is going on around you when you get these types of cravings. I started documenting everytime I would get a chocolate craving and found that I only crave it when I am tired, overly hungry or bored. I try to avoid those triggers and I…
  • You may want to talk with your doctor about having some possible food allergies or a lactose intolerance. There are a lot of different variables that can cause bloating and I think your doctor would be the best person to help you get to the root of your problem...Good Luck :)
  • Very helpful reference... I pretty much sums it up. Thanks :smile:
  • When you drink enough water your body will be able to get rid of the water it doesn't need when you urinate. If you don't drink enough water, your body will hold on to every bit of water it can get because it is being deprived of the water it needs to function and it causes your brain to go into dehydration mode, thus…
  • I'm a thrift store shopper myself. I have found some brand new stuff in top name brands for dirt cheap and they last a long time. My favorite workout pant are Echo brand (Bought them at Goodwill, brand spankin new with tags). I also like the Nike fitness wear because it wicks away moisture better than some of the other…
  • WOW......TMI... You gave way more info than what was asked. But hey, if you need to vent, then what better place. Let it out sista, let it out. :)
  • Wow...This is a tough one. I am kind of in the same boat as you. I know exactly how you're feeling right now. I want to quit but then there is also a part of me that wants to smoke. I don't have any other vices other than smoking. I don't drink or do drugs and I'm not a sex addict. I don't really have anything else to help…
  • Children will not allow themselves to starve if there is food around. Even if it's food they don't like. If you serve the kids the same food you are eating then it is up to them to eat it or not. I guarantee if they turn down the food once or twice and see that they DON'T get something else in return, they will start to…
  • Never had Pressed cottage cheese. But maybe you could break it up and add some honey. I add honey to regular cottage cheese and it is delicious
  • I would totally get rid of the clothes that are too big for you. If you hang on to them then that means you think you will fail and gain all your weight back. You can't think of it as, "I might gain my weight back so I will hang on to my old clothes" It has to be all or nothing. DO NOT GO ON A DIET!!! Make a decision to…
  • You can change your date if you want to but only you will know if that is the right thing to do. I know some of the things that really helped me that last time I quit was the support I got from total strangers who were going through the same thing. I joined a support group at the local hospital and I learned a lot of cool…
  • I saw this book being endorsed by Ellen Degenerous 4 years ago and I bought it. I have read this book and I actually have it at home on my bookshelf. I quit smoking for almost 2 years after I read it and I felt great. Thanks for the reminder. I will definately have to pick it up again and give it little looksy.
  • I'm a smoker and I have had this horrible habit for the last 25 years.:smokin: I'm only 35 but I feel like 70 when I do any cardio exercises. Yes, I meant to say I've been smoking for 25 years. I started when I was only 10 years old and in 5th grade. I was very rebellious as a kid and I still am as an adult. lol. I…
  • Ummm...I'm not seeing any photos. But kudos on a job well done. Keep up the great work. 100 lbs lost is a huge milestone.
  • HW 205 LW 98 (This was in high school. I was way to thin but when your the flyer in cheerleading, nobody wants you to gain weight) CW 160 GW 120 Height 5' 4" I would be happy if I only lost another 20 lbs instead of 40lbs. I really want to tone up though. When you go from being heavy to skinny, you don't realize how much…
  • I will give this a try. Thanks for the suggestion. :)
  • I'd like to try this one. Where can I buy it? Is it expensive?
  • When you see the candy and it's calling your name, just tell yourself, "Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels". I heard that quote somewhere and I use it as my mantra anytime I'm tempted by fattening or unhealthy foods.
  • Try drinking a chocolate flavored protein shake when you are craving sweets. This would be in addition to eating a meal of course. The protein in the shake will keep you feeling full until your next meal. That is I've been doing and it has helps me immensely especially during that time of the month when I crave sweets…
  • Clovergirl, keep up the great work...16 lbs is an amazing accomplishment.
  • I too am dealing with loose skin on my belly. I spoke with a personal trainer friend of mine and he told me that unfortunately because I have so many stretch marks it will be difficult to tighten that skin back up. But, IT IS POSSIBLE. He suggested I do the "Ab Diet". It's a series of DVDs with nutrition and exercise…
  • You look amazing! I can't wait until I post my final pics of me at my goal weight. I'm half way there and allready am feeling more confident about myself and my looks.
  • Thanks for all your input. I getting the general concensus is that it's OK to do only if it's not a habit. I definately don't make this a habit. In fact this is the only time I have done this since I started my weight loss journey in July 2012.
  • You look amazing. Congrats!!!
  • I would have to say that my favorite weight loss tool would have to be my two sisters who are also trying to lose weight and get healthy. We work out together and we keep each other motivated. Weight loss becomes fun when you make it a competition and there is a nice prize for whom ever reaches there goal the fastest. So…
  • I've been wanting to quit smoking myself. But I'm afraid I will start to gain all the weight back that I've lost already. Smoking sure does make exercising a whole lot harder. I will quit when I'm ready...I know I will. I'm determined. I am enveous of you for quitting and losing 65 lbs. Good for you! You go girl. It is…