

  • the man that sold me my vitamix suggested them, I get them at the health food store, 12 oz package $14.99 but I am also in Alaska so my price is probably higher. I keep some at my desk at work- so when I get a hunger at 2:00 I add them to my yogurt.
  • great story- keep it going- I have done Weight Watchers before and had success but the key is, tracking and the accountablity and exercise. I love this program. There is no magic to losing weight, no magic shake or pill. You have to exercise, drink lots of water and eat right and journal.
  • First of all the scale is not the enemy, I hop on mine every day or every other to stay on track. Having friends for support and sounds like you have the weight loss thing down. But changing old habits, eating healthier, portions, lots of water and move more. We all know what to do, but it is easy to say. Keep telling…