

  • Popcorn does the trick for me...try it with a little lemon juice (no butter), sounds weird but it's great I think! Also milk shakes...or smoothies with a sprinkle of protein powder if you're into that. I find it fills you up for a long time.
  • This may sound stupid, but what about walking around in your house? I do it all the time while studying for uni exams and after an hour I feel exhausted.
  • Thanks! I didn't start out fast, like you said I felt like I was crawling, but now I've picked up the pace a little. There are no thoughts of quitting, mainly as I see myself going further and further each time. i just have to take care of myself and like everyone else said, stretch and have rest days.
  • Thanks everyone, I'll definitely take your advice. I'll start with stretches during my run, I have a feeling that will work! I'll keep you updated with my progress...
  • Yea I bought a pair of serious running shoes and they're great. With the stretching I do so before and after my runs but not much happens in terms of the pain. I think my legs need a little getting used to my body until I lose a little more weight. lol
  • It's hard for everyone around the Holidays to keep up with their routine. I try and keep my portions small, even if I eat a couple times a day. And with exercise try and do as much as possible (even a 15 minute walk a day, or something) to keep you up and going. Don't worry about it, you'll be back to your normal self in…
  • Good on you!!! Keep it up :) :)