

  • I could every set at least two times! But when the third round would come on, I was through! I was taking at least 3 breaks! I felt a little discouraged, but I also knew that I did TEN TIMES better on this Exercise then I did on Day 1 with just the Fit Test. Keep at it! You'll get better, fitter, and stronger!
  • Congrats to everyone who has lost and is currently losing weight by eating 1200 calories. I'm 152lbs (started at 205) and I zig-zag my calories. One week, I'll set a limit at 1300, the next at 1550, and the next at 1200, and so on. I eat on average 1500 calories, however. I workout pretty hard. Always a minimum of 45minute…
  • I laughed at this post only because I know EXACTLY how you feel. Since I joined My Fitness Pal, I've lost 14 lbs. I lost 40lb previous to joining. Now all of my friends think that I'm "skinny" and that I should allow myself to eat as they do! And It sucks. Because I've done it. And in a matter of 2 weeks, I gained 10lbs.…
  • I'm experiencing that same situation right now, actually! I feel you 100%. In highschool, I played softball...but never lost weight due to horrible dieting. So when I came to college three years ago, I set out to make that CHANGE and begin dieting. My freshman year was hectic. I lost so many friends, mostly because I…