Megank428 Member


  • s:200 (january 2013) c: 151 g: 130
  • To fit back into all my cute dresses from college. They have been collecting dust the past 2 years...
  • Zumba is my cardio preference. It is fun but challenging (and makes me feel like all those years dancing growing up paid off). I am currently working with a trainer 1-2 days per week. While this isnt my favorite workout it is probably the most effective...especially in teaching me how to strength train without hurting…
  • I eat a slice of ezekiel sprouted grain bread ( with one egg. Takes maybe 5 minutes to make. I am always running late in the morning so I get it cooking while I do my makeup!!
  • I went Vegan for 7 weeks at the beginning of this year and my nutribullet made all of my breakfasts!! I think its a great little blender and super easy to use!! I dont attribute the 10 pounds I lost in this time to the nutribullet solely but it did help me make smart meal choices. I havent used it much recently since i am…
  • I am a big fan of the wii games and exhilarate dvds. While I go to Zumba class at least 2x per week the at home programs give a nice variety of routines to master! Only thing I dont like is the zumba belt for the wii. It rides up and once or twice the remote has fallen out....super annoying.