Favorite Workout!



  • mindovercakes
    mindovercakes Posts: 102 Member
    Has anybody said step yet?? I think it's hands down my favourite workout, but sadly I never do it. Last time must have been a good 6 months ago :noway: I love to run too which I do on a regular basis, but step, I think, tops my list.
  • JULIEdance
    JULIEdance Posts: 139 Member
    Dancing, figure skating, swimming, stretching (with some yoga and pilates inspited moves mixed in) and long walks/hiking.
  • jeannate52
    jeannate52 Posts: 28 Member
  • Megank428
    Megank428 Posts: 7 Member
    Zumba is my cardio preference. It is fun but challenging (and makes me feel like all those years dancing growing up paid off). I am currently working with a trainer 1-2 days per week. While this isnt my favorite workout it is probably the most effective...especially in teaching me how to strength train without hurting myself!! I just joined a new gym though so planning to try some strength and toning classes on non zumba days.
  • cook6609
    cook6609 Posts: 182 Member
    At the beginning of my weight loss journey, I used the Wii Fit Plus... My husband and I bought a treadmill, and I switched to that... I have been doing the 30 day shred. Once I'm finished with that (I have 6 days left :happy: ), I plan on doing the 8 week program that is programmed into my treadmill. I'll see where I'm at weight wise before I decide what to do next.

    I have a personal plan to lose so much weight, tone, lose weight, tone, etc... I am on level 3 of the 30 day shred, and I just started to lose the weight.
  • ElizabethKG1983
    ElizabethKG1983 Posts: 76 Member
    Definitely kickboxing! It burns so many calories and is fun! I take kickboxing classes that are an hour long. At home I like to do Wii fit, workout videos and go for walks and jogs!
  • queeniepcollins
    queeniepcollins Posts: 11 Member
    I just came off of 8 months of strength training with a personal trainer. (I had a kidney transplant and lost most of my muscle mass.)

    My new routine is 2 days mat pilates, 1 day core stability ball, 1 day strength training/cardio, 2 days callanetics and on the 7th day I rest!

    I'm really enjoying being able to move my body. Even though I make sure to get in the back of the classrooms because I'm the only one sweating like an overrun horse! lol