

  • Hi Ladies, Hope everyone is well, I've not managed to log on in a while as work has been manic & i've been made up with cold & feeling sorry for myself. The heathy eating went a little off the rails at the weekend as although we booked our wedding a few weeks ago my partner suprised me on Sunday by getting down on one knee…
  • My toe's much better now thanks, was pretty swollen & painful to start with but it's got much better since the weekend. I damaged my spine falling off a racehorse 3 years ago so a broken toe is pretty way down on the list of accidents for me, it just happens to be the most recent :) Jules x
  • Hi, i'm a bride to be (13th July 2012) but not from the site you've come form. I hope you don't mind me joining in? I've only started my fitness plan this week & after 2 days i've come down with a cold & feel rotten but fingers crossed i'll soon be better & able to get on with getting fit for the big day! Jules x
  • I stubbed my ote on the wall the other day & broke it :(
  • Hi all, I'm new here but I think i fit into this category well, I'm around 127 lbs but would like to be about 120 ideally. I'm getting married in 20 months so it's given me the motivation to make the change, I don't want to loose heaps of weight, just a little from my tum/thighs & to be generally fitter. Jules