Ow ... OW!

halobender Posts: 780 Member
Tonight the stud fell out of my ear, only to be noticed several hours later, after which time my ear had already begun to close (of course). It took a hell of a lot of work to get it back in there.

And now it hurts about as bad as it did when I first got it pierced.

Really, I just wanted to share with someone, because it's driving me a little crazy; it just stings a little, perpetually.

Share your most recent "ouch" moment.


  • Vivx
    Vivx Posts: 121
    aww sounds sore :(

    well mine was i was building a treadmill last night and dropped a screwdriver on my foot wilst hopping in pain a hopped onto a screw :( x
  • carolww
    carolww Posts: 143 Member
    Bathe ear with water and dettol.
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    LoL. Self mutilation can do that. :laugh:

    Received plenty of shoulder lock ouch moments in Aikido class yesterday..
  • beadyjules
    I stubbed my ote on the wall the other day & broke it :(
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Last night was my latest ouch. I was tickling my cats toes and she had enough and scratched me...unfortunately she caught me unaware so flinched and pulled away resulting in a deep scratch on the side of my index finger... every time i bend my finger it reopens and starts bleeding again. Sounds pathetic but it looks more like I've slipped with a knife its that deep!

    Never pull away from a cats swipe!
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433

    I am lucky to not have an OW moment in a few years but I have weak rotator cuffs and if I move or sleep the wrong way a shoulder will pop out. Hurts for a week or two afterward.

    I hope your ear feels better soon!
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Holy ****, I feel so much better now, haha. I'm so glad that I didn't hop onto a screw or break my toe ..! I hope that you don't hurt anymore.

    I already soaked my ear; it's all set, and it doesn't hurt anymore, and it didn't even get swollen :)

    And I'd hardly call a piercing self-mutilation when there are people out there who lop off fingers, toes, earlobes, splitting their tongues ... oh man, there are so many other examples of self-mutilation that are actually allowed!
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    And I'd hardly call a piercing self-mutilation when there are people out there who lop off fingers, toes, earlobes, splitting their tongues ... oh man, there are so many other examples of self-mutilation that are actually allowed!

    Piercings, tongue splittings, Martial arts.. To each one his own. :tongue:

    I'm glad your ear doesn't hurt anymore.
  • Craig772
    Craig772 Posts: 100 Member
    Years ago I had an eyebrow peircing and had to remove it for work. Alway went back OK but then I forgot one night and the following night it was pretty painful getting it back. Had my nipple done as well, that hurt like hell when the numbness faded and never did heal so I took it out. Now I have one normal nipple and one that looks like it's someone elses......
  • beadyjules
    My toe's much better now thanks, was pretty swollen & painful to start with but it's got much better since the weekend. I damaged my spine falling off a racehorse 3 years ago so a broken toe is pretty way down on the list of accidents for me, it just happens to be the most recent :)

    Jules x
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I used to have 00 gauge eyelets. Took them out a long time ago. Recently I tried to just get an earring through one of them and I bled like a stuck pig.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    In the future, use salt water to clean it...and then clear water to rinse it off so the salt doesn't crystalize on the ring...trust me, i'm up to 18 piercings, with two stretchings lol...I use witch hazel to soak my plugs over night and to clean around the stretchings...i also have an abundance of tattoos lol those are cleaned with Pears soap and curel lotion...

    My ouch? I was washing my floor like a woman possessed on Tuesday and must have pulled the muscles on my right side, now it feels like my ribs are broken, I can't even take a deep breath without wincing
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    In the future, use salt water to clean it...and then clear water to rinse it off so the salt doesn't crystalize on the ring
    I did that exactly, actually. Non-iodized sea salt with a half cup of warm water; I do know what I'm doing, after all, even if I did have to re-pierce it myself with the dull stud ... haha.

    I so very rarely hurt myself, thankfully (I guess that's what I'm thankful for, then). But when I do tend to hurt myself, it usually involves the hands or toes. Over the summer I flew over the handlebars of my bike due to a train rail in the road, taking off a lot of the skin on my palm, then after that healed I sort of demolished a golf cart, cutting my hand really deep on the side (but it actually extended my lifeline, so I think that means it helped); two years ago I had to have my finger drained because it got immensely infected and swollen due to an accidental exposing of the quick. And then there's Halloween, when I tried to kick what I thought was a jack-o-lantern that someone had put in the middle of the road ... but rather turned out to be a full on pumpkin. My big toenail is still black at the base.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    right, you don't hurt yourself at all lol...
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    That's four painful things over the course of two years; I'm pretty sure that's better than most others'.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    I had two teeth pulled last week...one either side!! He couldn't get the one bugger out for about 20mins!

    actually, that wasn't an ow ow moment....but I lost 2.5lbs! haha

    My friend re-pierced my lip after a few too many drinks....not painful either...until the next morning!...that happened a few years ago and I no longer have it :flowerforyou:

    I stub my toe on a daily basis though! ...Great fun!
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    wow...you are accident prone!

    I'd stay in the house and get snuggled into some cotton wool If I were you! :laugh:
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    wow...you are accident prone!

    I'd stay in the house and get snuggled into some cotton wool If I were you! :laugh:
    Compared to the woman who stubs her toe on a daily basis?

    Seriously? Just a couple minor injuries over the course of two years constitutes accident prone? (They were all minor because none of them necessitated a visit to the hospital and were healed within 3 days.) I should hardly think so.

    Maybe it's the girl thing; I'm a guy, even when these things "hurt" they don't hurt enough to get anything more than a sharp breath and a glance. And maybe a bandaid. It's not as though I'm breaking my fingers. Or getting paper cuts.

  • CaptainJim157
    I smacked my head going down the stairs to my basement, :P
    this damn wood piece sticks out lol, needless to say I felt a bit dizzy afterwards, heh