

  • You should make protein balls! I had major sugar cravings yesterday, made some protein balls and had them instead defintely hit the spot. There are tonnes of recipes online, try google some. The ones I make are: 1/2 cup of cottage cheese (or less cottage cheese and add some greek yogurt), handful of almonds, handful of…
  • Would be interested to hear replies as I have a similar story. Wasn't losing/gaining at 1200cal net and am not losing/gaining at 1600cal net. I have been at 1600 cal for nearly a month and no notable loss/gain. And I have been trying my best to "eat clean" "low carb" no white bread/sugar, salt... It's frustrating!!!
  • I recently ordered two boxes off I got chocolate brownie and strawberry cheesecake. The brownie one is definitely better microwaved. The strawberry is good cold or hot. They taste even better hot with peanut or almond butter on top, yum! Next time I'm going to try the cookie dough flavour and the white choc and…
  • Thanks guys! I have been adding it in the morning before work and eating it at lunch so about 7 hours before and it is great. So yummy! Like it better than when I just used to have plain greek yogurt. Definitely recommend cookies and cream protein powder and greek yogurt... yum!
  • Spicy Roasted Chickpeas! So healthy and good protein too! Get a can of chickpeas, drain and rinse, dry off as much as possible. Tip onto a baking tray with baking paper on it, mix up a little olive oil with your favourite herbs and spices (I use chilli flakes, oregano, rosemary and turmeric) either tip this over and shake…
  • Im a vegetarian heres some of the meals I've had lately :) wholemeal penne pasta with tomato based sauce and pumpkin falafel wraps (wholegrain or spinach) Spinach and sweet potato frittata Vege lasagne (wholemeal sheets) Roast Vege cous cous salad Omelettes with anything in them olives, cheese, red onion, tomato... yum :)
  • this is exactly me! I just can't have sugar (lollies, cookies, chocolate) in the house. I'm okay if its unopened, but as soon as the packet is open I can't help myself. I get into that mentality where I'm like "well I'm gonna eat it anyway so I may as well just eat it now". So have decided just not to allow myself to have…
  • I started jogging about 5 weeks ago, the first week I could barely make it round the block (1 mile) I was exhausted and out of breath! I kept going for jogs (about 3 times a week) now I'm up to 3 miles in half an hour and noticing a drop in the scales. I never thought I could run for half an hour without stopping but now I…
    in Venting Comment by seg49 May 2013