

  • Stick with it, be honest , track everything you put into your body and exercise you do. YOu can do this, I am proud of you Tricia!
  • Thanks for the ideas and encouragement. @gottarespectme- Do you mean stay at 1200 calories plus exercise? Not when the MFP calculates your net caloriesa. In other words I'd just eat 1200 and exercise and then my net would be around 600 or soo? @Bump319- I have used yoga and pilates before. I used to swear by pilates! Now…
  • I use a calculator from a different site. It seems to pretty acurate. YOu enter in your weight and height and the activity you are doing. There are many to choose from and its easy to use! Hope this helps! Here is the link: http://www.caloriesperhour.com/index_burn.php There is a calculator for BMR and activities and a…