I still cant eat raw tomatoes as I was forced to eat them as a child they still make me vomit. Food is a pleasure and so it should be I am a fussy eater I did make the mistake having been forced as child by my parents of forcing some foods on my kids they still as adults wont eat stew or casseroles although they are not…
do you need to do more than your usual exercise for this to work for the past 20 years I have walked about two miles poo picking the ponies field and filling water etc this is a normal activity along with walking the dog everyday I would surely need to walk the dog further and do some other exercise to increase my calorie…
I was overweight as a child mum equated food with love and you didnt love her if you didnt finish every meal We did have healthy food just far too much of it had three cooked meals a day with meat and potatoes and veg as the basis of our diet. Followed by pudding or starting with soup, I am a good 40lbs to heavy now having…