

  • I just ordered my Fitbit Ultra! I'm so excited!
  • NewlineNY SBB0828-NYFL Digital Bathroom Scale, Flowing Leaves Sense On, 400 Pound Capacity This is the one I am considering! Thoughts?
  • I need to start doing sit ups and push ups, I think. The push ups to help with upper body strength (I have next to none, in my opinion) and the sit ups will help build muscle in my stomach and get rid of my belly :) I'm lucky that my stomach muscles are strong enough I can hold my stomach in when I'm walking so I don't…
  • I'm actually going to start taking a personal fitness class through my college that lasts from mid-October through mid-December. That way, I'm being held accountable by someone other than myself. I get college credit for going to classes such as Zumba (for free!) I don't do well working out solo either, I need someone to…
  • My stomach is another problem issue :) I do like my general shape, I just want to lose the extra weight because I know it's not healthy. My father is diabetic and I am certainly on the fast track to joining him.
  • Haha well, I don't either, but I'm about 70 pounds overweight and it's all in the hips and thighs. I would be happy to lose even 30 pounds...or drop a jean size or 2. Mostly, I don't want to turn out like my father.