

  • I always go to the gym with my emergency puffer in hand. I've been told that taking the steroid before cardio training can be of benefit but I rarely ever do that. I don't tend to run outside so cold isn't usually the problem. Does anyone else do about 15 to 20 minutes of slight increase in mph for running or do you just…
  • I'm definitely going to have to try that out!
  • I'm 5'1 and 23 years old. I've been at 130 lbs since I was 17 years old and could maybe see myself losing 5 lbs but that might just come back in muscle so I don't focus on it too much. I'm a pretty slim figure for as short as I am. Measurements are a def pear shape but I'm 33-26.5-38 Could definitely tighten up my tush but…