sanlock Member


  • I think the first 15 pounds I lost was all boobs. Kinda made my husband sad, but I told him if I loose all the weight I want to loose he can always buy me some more.
  • Anyone can look at my cell phone. I believe a cell phone is like the internet- if you dont want the world to see it or read it then you shouldnt have it on there. My son likes to play games on it and I often need my daughter to tweek something for me so there is nothing on there that cant be seen by a child. If my husband…
  • Hello I will be 41 in December and dont want to spend all my forties overweight like my thirties. I am not a very chatty person but sure could use some friends on this new journey.
  • Great now I want a steak. Thanx, but first I need to know "Why is it that us meat eaters couldn't care less what you veggies eat, but as soon as someone mentions eating meat you veggies are all in their business and rather nasty about it to?" You act like you are all kind, loving and care about all living things but when…