Who can look at your cell phone???



  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    I can grab my husbands at any time and he can grab mine too. Never been an issue for either of us. If I want to send a text and his phone is closer he'll toss it to me.

    Both my kids, 17 and 23 are open with their phones. I have even asked my younger son if I could read a text that caught my attention a couple times. No resistance. Of course reading one led to reading a whole slew of them. Still not an issue. I did ask permission, but I'm sure he knew not to say no.

    You find out things about their friends, that's for sure. But the times this has happened it opened the lines of communication. I never found anything really bad. But it led to conversations about condoms and birth control, though we already had them many times.

    I told my kids from the beginning that their phones (I pay for them) and the computer are not to be used for anything they would not want me to see. If you want it kept private you better say it in person around here. It worked in our house.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Children: Give them trust at first. If you have suspicions they are misusing it, then I think it's okay to say, "Do you mind if I look at your phone?" and then look through it.

    Spouses: That's a little "OMG we're best friends and we look at each other's phone all the time!!! We love each other!" Don't go through your spouse's phone. That's just dumb.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    A cell phone is a probation officer's best friend. We look at them and the probationer's entire world is on there.
    But if I went to look at my own kid's phone all heck would break loose. I realize that's a parenting issue and believe me it has been addressed.
    My wife and I leave ours out in the open. Anyone can look at it anytime they want because we have nothing to hide.
    Is that the case with anyone else? Can your SO look at your phone? Or is it hands off? How about your children...can you look at theirs?

    I don't have secrets on my cell phone. If anybody found mine and took a look, they'd probably be bored.
  • sanlock
    sanlock Posts: 4 Member
    Anyone can look at my cell phone. I believe a cell phone is like the internet- if you dont want the world to see it or read it then you shouldnt have it on there. My son likes to play games on it and I often need my daughter to tweek something for me so there is nothing on there that cant be seen by a child. If my husband and I text adult conversation to each other we are sure to delete them when we are done. On the flip side my daughter would never let me look at her phone.
  • phyllio77
    phyllio77 Posts: 192 Member
    My iphone is password protected. I have a few games I play that I let my nephew run wild with. Nothing to hide on my end. I do believe my cell phone is like my purse...you go in it..you better have a good reason.
  • ZeeShay
    ZeeShay Posts: 1,132 Member
    i dont like people looking through my phone unless i want to show them something... some of the text messages i get are people telling me things in confidence, or im telling them something i dont want other people to know. But if someone needs to make a call or something I let them use it i just try to make sure they dont start opening and reading things.

    but at the same time, i think if you have a kid who has a phone, you should look if given a reason. but to always check i think is a bit too much. Kids shouldn't have phones anyway... i wasn't allowed my own phone until i was 17.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    I don't care who looks at my phone.. my boyfriend, my family, friends, co-workers, strangers.. I really don't care. If there is something I don't want anyone else to see.. like a text message with a friend, I delete it after the conversation is over.. That rarely happens but I don't keep anything that I don't care sharing with people on my phone. I never understood why people are so touchy over it, unless they are hiding something.

    But, when I was a teenager (got my first phone at 16 and I paid the bill) I would've hated if my parents went through my phone. Just because I was a teenager and I hated if my mom was in my room for to long. I wasn't even a bad kid and never really hid anything I just thought it was awkward. I now realize that was an insane way of thinking, but, I think as a teenager you feel like you are owed respect, when most of the time you never give it.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I used to think I was hugely obsessive compulsive, paranoid and untrusting ... and then I read this thread.

    Phew, I feel a lot better about myself now ;)

    That is to say, I don't think anyone has any business looking at my phone, but I'm not on guard 24-7, and looking at my phone will not automatically garner you a blacklisting.
  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    If anyone decides to go through to my phone and finds sexts messages or nudie pics between me and the husband, well then that's their fault. It's my phone...

    Don't go snooping if you're not prepared for what you find. ;0)
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    Everyone in our family is welcome to look at my phone. That being said, about a year ago I found a cell phone in a parking lot. I wanted to return it to the owner so started calling numbers that looked likely in the call log. Got a woman at the number titled "Home" who didn't recognize the number I called from. I looked in the phone some more and started poking through the text messages. Found some very, um, PERSONAL texts. Okay, figured the woman had to be the wife or significant other. Texted her and told her I had the phone. She told me it was her boyfriend's. I arranged to go meet him at the pharmacy where he worked. Turned out he was the pharmacist. He was also married. The woman I'd called first (the "Home" number) was his wife. The woman I texted was his girlfriend. That was a very awkward meeting. :blushing:

    If you mess around, password protect your darn phone!
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    I got my texts, pics and videos under password lock down. Some friends and co-workers love to just pick up phones and snoop through them.
  • Sweetpea472
    Sweetpea472 Posts: 229 Member
    Anyone can look at mine anytime. My daughter (20yrs old) is out of the house (even though we still pay for her phone), but my son (16yrs old) has a lock on his phone that I'd like to (in a very subtle fashion) break. That's where my husband & I differ - he wants to just take his phone away... I want to get into it and creep him out because I know so much about his world. I guess that makes me a really ****ty mom. (And BTW, unless whatever is going on is ridiculously bad, I'm not going to rat on the kids involved.)
  • Eavie0513
    Eavie0513 Posts: 40 Member
    I just got a GEN-U-INE smart phone after like 5 years of a flip phone... My new life has just begun. But, I am who I am and anyone is welcome to take a look-see!
  • x__chrissy__x
    Anyone with a warrant! :)
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    anyone, I have nothing to hide.
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    Forgot to add that my kids are only 5 and 8, so no cell phones yet. But I imagine that when they get cell phones, that I will have access whenever I like. Especially if they were to get grounded from the phone, and I had to take it and have it in my possession, my children's privacy comes in long behind their safety imo, I will also be checking to make sure they are not texting while in school or driving.
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    My best friend... and that's it. In fact, even she can look only because there's nothing she can find on there that she doesn't know yet. Anyone else and I'd freak.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    I don't even know where my phone is half the time.

    That being said, I don't really care who looks at it.
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    We leave the phones out in the open..hubby can look at it if he wants..but he doesnt and I dont look at his..who cares..
    I will grab his phone only if I have to make a call and mine is dead or something.

    My son is 15 months old and he loves phones, but he really is not looking at anything, he just plays with it
  • Froggy1976
    My husband is free to look at my phone whenever he wants and I am free to look at his, but we don't often. My kids have a phone that they share, we use it as a house phone because we do not have a land line. I routinely check that phone because my boys use it to text their friends and stuff. The rule is if they would be embarrassed for me to read their texts they shouldn't be saying it. They know this and I usually have no problems.