boomboom_laji Member


  • I survived my first day with no coke zero/sugar. Woooo wooo!
  • Hey Everyone, I just recommitted to actually creating the healthy habits I need to do to lose weight. I know that cutting out added sugar and artificial sweetener is part of that. I seem to crave Coke Zero like nobodies business! Day with no sugar/sweetner:
  • Hey there, my weight keeps creeping up and I decided that I need to do the things that I know/read will actually help me lose weight. Late night snacking is definitely one of the habits that I would like to change. So, I am in. "Me" for the win! Me: LNS: Streak
  • Hey Terri and all! So, I completed my Whole 30. The only cheat I had was a single beer about two weeks in. My gym did an an ultra-sound type body scan at the beginning and at the end, so here are the results: 5 lbs of fat last, 2 lbs of muscle gained. An inch off the waist and 2.5 inches from my hips. I am reintroducing…
  • Hey Shvrngl, Maybe you actually need to eat MORE during your meals so that you aren't so hungry in between? I know it has been hard for me to get my head around eating fats with every meal and enough protein, but it seems to be working. For example, this morning I had three fried eggs, and a smoothie of spinach,…
  • Yes. They weren't super smaller jeans. They are jeans that had fit me and then when I had washed them shrank so that they were too tight. So, it wasn't like I shrank a size in a week or anything, but I was able to happily wear by shrunken jeans. That said, I can see in the mirror that something is happening. I am DYING to…
  • Hello fellow Whole-30ers! So, here we are, almost a quarter of the way through! How exciting! There are two things that have really surprised me this week. 1). My after 8pm food cravings seem to have vanished. I don't feel like I am really eating more than I did before, just different.... but really, I haven't been eating…
  • About the sugar-dragon... I was transitioning to a Whole 30 during March and I know that I was getting serious sugar cravings...just know that they do calm down. I was studying in Starbucks yesterday and waiting by the pastries to order my herbal tea .... and really I was okay just looking at the lemon cake... which I…
  • Hey everyone, Thanks for all the comments! I will be tracking intermittently. I would like to to in general just to know what I have been eating during this time. I am definitely nervous about having put the scale away and nervous about eating fat again. That being said, I have already noticed that I am not getting after 8…
  • [/quote] A new challenge today - I woke up this morning with a cold! I know that by the time I get home from work I am going to want "comfort" foods...any ideas? I keep telling myself that the best comfort is going to be that in the long run I'll be much healthier! Have a super day number 3 - I love all the encouragement…
  • Hi there! Happy Day one of Whole 30! YAY! I actually did just what you suggested this morning, I weighed myself and then put the scale in a cabinet. For the first time about 15 years. I have to say that my two biggest "fears" with Whole 30 is 1) not having the scale and 2) eating fat. But, I have committed to this and if…
  • Thanks for the chowstalker link... I hadn't come across this site and it looks like there will be some of their recipes in my future! :)
  • Hi Terri! I'll join you in the challenge. I started Paleo today and my crossfit gym is doing an April eating challenge. So, I have decided to commit for six weeks. I haven't had the health issues you mention in your post, but my weight seems stuck and I think this change might unstick it. Looking forward to finding out.…
  • Hi everyone, My name is Heather. I would love to lose 10 lbs by Christmas. It is a little difficult because I work full time and I am also almost a full time college student. But I really don't like that I have been gaining weight and I don't like how I am feeling. I made it to the gym twice last week and I am shooting for…