Well the amount of calories burned per weightlifting exercise per set is insignificant as compared to aerobic exercise, however if you add a complete workout than the calories burned might be a significant amount.
If you are able to get in your daily protein requirements by consuming food then whey protein isn't a must. However if you prefer a more convinent and cheaper source of protein then go ahead. Gram for gram whey protein is the cheapest source of protein out there and IMO it should be in everybody's diet.
I don't think that the brands matter at all, just look at the vitamins value. Which has more, which is better. Those are cheaper because people don't market and advertise them as much as the mainstream brands
Anything is fine, doesn't matter whether it Is beer, poptarts or burgers as long as you re-feed your body with enough calories and macronutrients. Just don't drink 2000 calories worth of beer and forget all about your fitness goals the next day.
Great job! "The hardest lift of all is lifting your butt off the couch", you surely see results if you keep this up. Admire your decision to start a healthier lifestyle!
Maybe it's because you're having too little carbs, your metabolism probably has become non existent. Just fruit juice and fruits? Damn man that must suck. Try a cheat day to bump up your metabolism, cheats days aren't always bad for you, just don't go crazy on it.
IMO I don't think it would make such a difference in gains whether or not you stretch it out little more. Truth is. you might even end up ripping a muscle. If you got enough books, you could stack them up an make a mini bench. LOL
Well... I guess it's because most people nowadays assume that when something taste good, it's probably bad for you
That sounds epic... Usually when I feel like eating more I just look myself in the mirror and be ashamed. That stops me dead in my tracks from reaching for the fridge.
An alternative is to lay on the floor as place two pillows beside your shoulders, this way when you bench, you won't go too low.
Sounds like you are doing the right thing, if in doubt, just go with the 50% protein 30% carbs and 20% fats split and you'll be fine.
Low fat cheese, casein fluff, beef jerky (watch out for the sodium content though), tuna, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, protein pancake, make a protein shake with milk and place it in the freezer for awhile to get a healthy milkshake or hell, just make protein popsicles
THIS. I chew the same piece for gum for as long as 8 hours some day. Sounds disgusting but it reduces my appetite
I'll say don't worry about the weight gain and keep at it. 1200 calories sounds pretty damn low to me, maybe your body's counter reacting by trying to store all the fat it can in order to survive. Being consistent at it is the key, you have only been at it for a few weeks. It takes time, maybe a couple months or so.