talenarenee Member


  • Ha ha!!! I noticed that too, but felt it add a certain realism. I know I definitely curse a blue streak when I'm working out!
  • Start whatever day you want to. Just go in the order suggested to keep on track.
  • There's a new FitBit coming out soonish that supposed to be really awesome and does have a HRM. I think it's called FitBit Plus. I use a Mia Motiva sports watch that has a fairly accurate HRM. I like it too!
  • Day 11: Cardio Recovery. Ha!! My legs are a shaky mess on Cardio Recovery days! Those squats and lunges are killer! :-)
  • I don't know much about your fitness program. Does it have a lot of strength training? Strength training doesn't generally have the same immediate calorie burn (because your heart rate isn't racing like HIIT), but the muscle toning will lead to more calories burned throughout the day. Make sure you're incorporating cardio…
  • Day 10 (Pylo Cardio Circuit) in the bag! My HRM monitor said I burned 466 calories- with the way my heart was pounding and the buckets of sweat pouring off me, I believe it!
  • Finished day 9! sweaty, sweaty mess!
  • Great job!!!
  • I grew up in Texas and lived three years in Kuwait- I can't wait for a little bit of heat! :-) Now that it's warming up slightly and the flowers are changing, it's been wonderful here on Jeju. I also live out in the rural parts of the island in the new Global Education City area. Lots of places to hike and bike.
  • I switched my day 6 and 7. Rested yesterday, so on to Pylo Cardio Circuit today. Let's do this!
  • Considering everyone in the videos, including Shaun T, rest at some point (not just the assigned rest times), being fit is not a requirement. Better to go at your own pace, watching your form. You'll get better. We all do!
  • I'm not technically on the peninsula if I'm on Jeju, am I? I'm here until the summer holidays and will be back in early August. Unless we've gone to war by that point. JK! Brrrr!!! When does it warm up here? This Texas girl is ready for warm days!!
  • I just started Insanity this week. I'm on day 5. It's kicking my butt, but I'm making sure to keep pushing myself and only rest when I notice my form is getting sloppy. Wearing a heart rate monitor helps keep me focused too.
  • Yeah, it's hard for my vegetarian friends to eat out. One of my korean books said how to ask for things to be made safe for vegetarians. I'd have to find that again. Do you eat fish at all like some other vegetarians? There are a number of fish options (especially where I live on Jeju). Just keep asking! You'll find…
  • I am a math teacher (not English!! LOL), living on Jeju. I've been here over 4 months. I, too, avoid white rice and am slowly developing my palate for kimchi (the cabbage-y kind, not the radish-y kind). I also try to be as gluten free as possible because it helps with my MS. Jeju is a beautiful island full of wonderful…
  • Maybe for a week or so change your work outs to something brand new to challenge your body (even though what you have still challenges you your body may becoming used to the routines with muscle memory and not working quite as hard) and also maybe temporarily up your calories a bit to 1300 or 1400. It's still a healthy…
  • Thanks! Jeju is amazing, especially for hiking! I've really enjoyed it.