fayevest Member


  • After if you are doing strengh training. Your body absorbs nutrients most after a workout and it's important to have protien to help your muscles repair. :) If you are doing cardio, it doesn't matter so much, but you don't want to eat RIGHT before you workout. Eating a small snack about 1-2 hours before you workout (like a…
  • i love the tae bo too but there is a woman in most of them that drives me freakin insane!!! i can't do them... :mad:
  • I really hate videos too - they always end up annoying me!! BUT I find if I dont have something sort of guiding me, I get REALLY bored and impatient. I have a gazelle that I got from walmart.com for under $100 and I'll hop on that and watch tv. I know you said you dont like videos but there are a few good ones that I…
  • Try adding in more natural foods and less processed foods (more chicken, veggies, fruit.) Not sure of your diet but it works wonders for me!!
  • detoxing can get a lot of cristism, but I think if you don't do it all the time, it can be a very good thing for you to do every once in a while. Good luck!! Eating just fruits and veggies is going to be really hard! Let us know how it goes.
    in Detox Comment by fayevest January 2008
  • are you doing any toning? I go WAY over on my protien because I eat a lot of chicken. But I'm also lifting weights so I need the extra protien. I don't think you will gain weight or not lose by going over on your protien. I think the "goal" that they give you is just a guideline. :smile:
  • I have done the 9 day isagenix cleanse twice. It can be really difficult because there are 4 days when all you consume is liquid and these little snack things... BUT I did feel great both times after it. I lost 7 pounds each time on it, gained 2 back after going back to eating so basically I lost 5 pounds. It made me feel…
  • very good job on your weight loss!!!
  • 6 pounds in the first week is good! what are you doing for excersise?
  • go to "my home" settings then Update diet/fitness profile :smile:
  • Yeah I have obviously been doing something wrong since I always gain it back. I will learn patience when it comes to this and just be healthy. Thank you both!!!!
  • i also love the britney spears remix, b in the mix... great workout cd. eminem is also good to workout too!!
  • I have been a yo-yo dieter for about 5 years. My diets are usually pretty serious. I lose at least 3 pounds per week by eating 5 small meals a day, all natural foods like chicken, fish, potatoes, veggies, fruit... I certainly don't starve myself but when I do this diet I dont really enjoy food. For excersise I basically…
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