10 4 chief I am going to see my doc on Friday I will tell him I would like to have that done and where to get it at around here. Thanks
By the way thanks for the inputs so far. I know I'm not getting the weight off in a hurry but I want to be consistent
I work in construction and I am constantly moving around out there climbing off and on equipment and doing some manual labor, so for my activity level I would times my BMR by 1.55 which is the number for moderately active and that's how I get my large number of 4440 or w.e it is. Then to lose 2 pounds a week I subtract…
that's my problem now. I eat 2700 calories and burn anywhere from 500 to 700 calories a day and my fat loss has slowed down fast. I have lost 30 pounds so far since april 29th. which would be 2 months by the end of this week. I just feel like I hit that plateau too soon considering how heavy I am. I am waiting on a body…