abbeyjones1994 Member


  • I've always been a morning person, so I don't know if this will help. But it's more of a mental thing for me. I like to exercise, but for me it's nice to know that doing my workout first thing in the morning means I won't have excuses for not doing it later in the day (too much homework, want to hang out with friends,…
  • I have a heart defect, and have to do a treadmill stress test every few years. The last time I did one, I did horribly, and that's when the doctor started mentioning my weight to me at appointments. I didn't listen until last year, when he told me that this coming August I'd be having another one. The plan is to do so well…
  • I am exactly the same way! I fought the urge to weigh for so long because I lost the majority of my weight without having to. But, I asked for a food scale for Christmas to weigh things like fruits and veggies, meat, etc., with no intention of weighing things like oatmeal, pretzels, etc. However, as I got down to the last…
  • My BMI went up 0.8 points. Still in the healthy range though. Gotta love being 5'2". It did say I could still be healthy at 96 pounds...I'm pretty sure the last time I was 96 pounds was when I was in elementary school.
  • Yeah, when I was on 1200 I was definitely a lot meaner about it. Not that 1350 has given me reason to pass out my food to everyone I know, lol. When my brother and I were home for Thanksgiving break and I was still at 1200 my family went out to a restaurant where I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich and fries because I had…
  • Thanks everyone! I think when I go home in a couple weeks I'll buy a digital one. I can handle the dial one until then, but since I plan on continuing with this lifestyle change, I want something more user-friendly and seemingly more accurate for the future.
  • Yesterday I went to brunch and the mall with some friends. I had a pretty calorie heavy brunch (700ish), but seriously considered blowing my whole day by indulging in fries and a shake from the Chick Fil A in the mall food court. I ended up going for a venti hot green tea (0 cals) from Starbucks instead that kept me full…
  • I'm at school, and for some reason southern Indiana is less about the packzi life than northern Indiana. So I'll probably stay under today. But I will be dreaming about them for sure.
  • I wonder if this is part of my problem...I haven't really gotten rid of any of my big girl clothes yet. I started at a size 10 in jeans, M/L in shirts, and am now down to size 6, S/M in shirts (and the 6's are starting to get baggy, hooray!). But I only have a few small shirts and size 6 jeans, mostly I'm still in the 10s…
  • The biggest ah ha moment came in the picture on the left in my profile picture. I was at the beach with my two skinny athlete friends and couldn't believe how awful I looked when one of them posted that picture to Facebook. The next day I downloaded MFP, and now 204 days later I'm down 27 pounds, with about 13 more to go.…
  • Oh no that is definitely not in the plan! I am not about that couch potato life anymore. Lol. And thank you @gabbo34‌ for your additional support of signing up for runs! I think I'm a little nervous to run in a group of people because I take it slow as steady (to put it nicely lol) but as someone else said I'm not in it to…
  • Thank you so much for the advice everyone! I downloaded the 10K app just a few minutes ago so it's there when I get the courage to use it, haha. I think I would enjoy that one more outside though--using the treadmill for C25K was starting to get tedious. In the meantime I think I'm going to find some fun runs to sign up…
  • I finished Couch to 5K this morning! Never in my life did I think I would be able to say I can run 30 minutes straight. :)
  • When I'm at school, I make a dinner that has 4-6 servings, freeze it in individual portions, and eat it every night that week, so that gets pre-logged. And since breakfast and lunch are usually pretty similar for me no matter the day, I pre-log those too. That gives me opportunity to decide what snacks I might want to buy…
  • I always look up the restaurant menus before I go anywhere, it's definitely a habit I picked up here! And since my parents have their "favorites" when they come down here I can usually pick between 3-4 meals that I'll probably be having. I want to be able to enjoy a burger and fries when they are here, and there is a very…
  • Thanks so much for the advice everyone! I'm going to try not to "cut" for this weekend by not eating back as many of my exercise calories as normal, and try to make at least one of my meals "lighter." Unfortunately I don't really have the option of not eating those two meals out as someone suggested; eating at my place…
  • This sort of happened to me, although luckily I was wearing a one-piece because I was swimming laps. I got in and woosh--water filled my whole suit and it was no longer clinging to my body, but floating around me. That was one of the worst swims I've ever had, lol. Also, naive me didn't realize that the armpit thing was…
  • I agree with the Oreos and the smaller amounts of high quality items; actually I kind of think those go hand-in-hand. I would rather spend my calories on one delicious cookie than a few Oreos. I'm so sad for all the oatmeal hate though--I eat it every morning for breakfast, made with almond milk, strawberries, and…
  • 1. Favorite ice cream flavor? Strawberry Cheesecake 2. Favorite pop tart? S'Mores 3. Favorite chips? Blue corn tortilla chips 4. Favorite snack cracker? Wheat Thins 5. Favorite chocolate candy? Snickers 6. Favorite chewy candy? Dots or sour patch kids 7. Favorite fruity candy? Dots or sour patch kids 8. Favorite hard…
  • Right now I'm doing C25K, so it's whenever I've heard the "your workout is complete!" from the nice woman on the app.
  • My friend and her roommate started the "24 Day Challenge" on Monday. On Tuesday she tweeted about how hard diets were. Because she's one of my oldest and closest friends I kept the comments to myself while enjoying my ice cream.
  • Hi! Yes, I was born in/had my first two surgeries in 1994. From what I've read, we were among the first people to even have the option of surgery as a treatment...which has always been really crazy to think about. But yes, I used to think of stress tests as just an hour of my life to get through and at least pass, but…
  • Holter monitor, echo, congenital heart speak my language! I was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect when I was 3 days old. I've had 4 open heart surgeries, echos, catherizations, blah, blah, blah. lol. Basically one of my arteries and one of my veins didn't separate correctly, so the…
  • I am not as big on the Christmas dinner because it's basically a repeat of our Thanksgiving dinner except there's usually a ham in addition to the turkey. Christmas breakfast is a different story. My dad makes egg casserole, cinnamon rolls, bacon, hash browns, and toast. It's one of my favorite meals of the year, as simple…
  • This happened to my grandma when I was younger. She ate a bag of baby carrots like every day, to go with her grilled chicken breast dinner. Obviously she didn't have the healthiest relationship with food. But besides that, yes. Baby carrots and hummus is my go-to side dish for lunch.
  • The first one is from Christmas 2013...sorry about the terrible quality, I cropped my family out. lol. The second one is from sometime last week, I pretty much took it to affirm that I am, in fact, a special snowflake. B) Stats: SW: 155 lbs. CW: 128 lbs. GW1: 120 lbs. UGW: 115 lbs. 5'2" & 20 years old.
  • Exactly!! Going grocery shopping when I was home for Thanksgiving break was a nightmare. She looked at me like I had 5 heads when I said I wanted chips and salsa. I'm pretty sure she thinks I've lost 25 lbs. eating carrots and grilled chicken all day. Which is weird because, like I said, she's been on MFP too, and I lived…
  • Mine is people opposite sabotaging me... For instance, my mom is the one who got me on MFP, and of course I am forever grateful for that. She is maintaining right now, while I still have 13ish lbs. to lose. However, she thinks the fact that I am still losing means that I have cut treats (candy, cookies, chips, etc.) out of…
  • Absolutely. It really does make me feel better, especially the moodiness and low energy parts. If for some reason my cramps are particularly bad, I usually just take a couple ibuprofen and drink more water. Similar to a lot of ladies on here, since I started exercising my periods aren't as bad as they used to be.
  • I second Jessica Smith! Did one of her kickboxing workouts this morning. She is especially great if you are not ready for high-intensity stuff because she categorizes her workouts based on type, and that includes low-impact workouts, walking workouts, and yoga workouts. She also has strength training videos which I use…