

  • Hey! Fellow Seattlite. Welcome!
  • I generally try to intentionally make too much (extra portions) for dinner with the intent to bring that in for a healthy lunch some days. Also frozen leftover soups are good as well especially during the cold seasons. Otherwise for me it's usually a mixture of peppers, carrots, grapes, cottage cheese and an egg. :-P
  • I would say just do what you can do. Something is better than nothing. When I started running I started at a mile, then slowly 2 became possible, then 3, then 4. Just build yourself up slowly and you'll have no problem.
  • Sorry to hear that. When I went through my divorce several years ago I was quite the opposite. I didn't want to eat and only wanted to go run cause I needed to think and kill stress.
  • I am in the same boat as you for the most part. I lost a lot a while back with the help of another similar site. I have gained back a small portion of that but am not trying to get back in the mindset and eating habits to start losing that last small amount I want to get rid of.
  • NW Iowa originally, but Seattle, WA for the past 5 years.
  • Thanks! It's been some time since I dropped that weight, so now I am ready to begin taking off a little bit of the bounce back as well as an additional 10 lbs. Plan is to lose about 20 lbs hopefully by the time Jan or Feb rolls around.