

  • I have that same problem. When I eat intuitively (ie, only eating when I'm hungry), I end up eating less than 1000 calories, when I need to be eating around 1800. My body majorly goes into starvation mode, and now that I'm up to eating around 1200/day, my body's holding onto the fat for dear life. :\ From my experience,…
  • I get those, too! I've found that nuts (like almonds or walnuts) really help to take the edge off things. Try to keep them unsalted, though, to keep the sodium low. Keeping a bag of mini carrots also helps (though they're not nearly as filling as nuts). Also, smoothies. All-fruit. They're really filling and good for you,…
  • Running is great, and it's awesome that you've been doing the couch to 5k! Treadmills suck, but I understand your fear of running in the dark. If possible, find a park or a city block that's well-lit and run there, even if it means driving a little ways to get there. Or find yourself a running buddy who can run with you…
  • Green tea's pretty awesome. It's 0 calories, for starters, and it's mainly water, so you can count it in your cups of water per day. Also, it boosts your metabolism so you burn more calories, suppresses your appetite, and it wakes me up (though I don't know if it has any caffeine or not). I'd recommend trying it. :)
  • PBJ oatmeal is great. Also, putting cinnamon (no sugar), almonds, banana slices, and milk (regular or almond) is awesome! You could also try the Almond Joy oatmeal, which is oatmeal, milk, shredded coconut, chopped dark chocolate, and almonds. I'm not a big fan of plain oatmeal, either, but I've found those to be really…