

  • I LOVE BROWNIES! Thought I would never get to taste them again. lol Add a little bit of walnuts and wahla!
  • You are awesome! You put it out there my friend. I felt like I was reading what I was thinking! I trained for 6 months for a half marathon..running 3 miles 3 times a week and long runs on the weekends, I ran my half and I STILL weighed the same as before I started training. Dumb metabolism! But I think it is important to…
  • I am a full time worker with two small children...I too find that if I hit the gym hard...I don't lose weight. But I discovered running...LOVE IT. Been doing it for over a year now and just ran my first half marathon in November. It seems to take off the weight better for me anyways. Hang in there...the bottom line is you…