Heads90 Member


  • Ugh, I'm sick too. Strep throat... getting up to 1200 has been challenging. I think I'm giving up at 400 today. Tired of my throat burning. I don't know what you have, but I would say just eat if you're hungry. >.<
  • That's strange. My Fitbit is pretty much in sync with the Scooby calculator. The thing is, no one can give you the answer to this. Your best bet is most likely going to be trial and error. Make sure to keep detailed documentation with pictures, measurements and notes. Also, hunger is a pretty good guide. If you're starving…
  • WOW! WOWOWOWOW! You look amazing.
  • I've never been formally diagnosed as bipolar, but I highly suspect that it's the case. I am manic most of the time... unreasonably happy and bouncy... no one can keep up with the level of energy I have. But when I crash, I crash hard. I have spent weeks in bed without showering or speaking. Anyway, that sounds bipolar to…
  • Shoes are such a personal thing, so your best bet is most likely to go to a store and try several brands.... dance around in them, do what you have to for a good feel of the shoe, then select.
  • Spitting. It's not very lady like but it solves the problem.
  • First of all, grats on trying you fuel your body and lose weight without starving yourself. I did it the starving way the first time and ended up gaining nearly all of it back as soon as I started eating like a normal person again. I've only been trying to lose for two weeks now and I have noticed a difference in how I…