

  • Happy to befriend someone here and share my food diary, if they are feeling helpful!?
  • So I started this exercise regime about 3 weeks ago and I just weighed myself for the first time I have put on weight by 1KG!! What the! I generally overcompensate on proportions whilst tracking food just to be sure. Any Ideas? Apart from weighing how else can I monitor my progress?
  • What about my Sodium / Sugar intake? I am trying to work out also that despite eating around 1500 most of the time why I don't lose weight?
  • I am 178cm / 90-91KG Food for thought! I will let you know how I get on!
  • Thanks guys for the advice. I am astounded at the protein intakes! With only 6g of protein in an egg, I should be eating equivalent 20 eggs a day!?? Is that normal? My BMI is 28.4 (178cm height) I am trying the supps just as an experiment, they may not do anything but I am trying it out to settle it once and for all. It…
  • I weigh like 90kg so what do you think I should be intaking? My usual day consists of the following: Breakfast = Oatmeal+Whey powder+Skimmed Milk OR 3 Egg omelette Lunch = Spinach Salad , grated white cabbage, eggplant, tomato with Chicken Breast/Egg Dinner = Quinoa/potato/Basmati with Chicken Breast + assorted veg Snack =…
  • Well still stuck at 84.3 despite going to gym 3-4 times a week, drinking water and intaking 1300-1500 cals a day (with the rest bar protein within the limits). I have started doing interval training not strengthening the core using dumbells and the exercise ball and going to the gym 6 days a week having 30gr of whey…
  • Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I generally don't have a set time for exercising or eating as it can be anytime in the day. I generally either swim (30 minutes), cross train (35-40 minutes) or cycle (25 minutes) (can't do treadmill cos of a knee injury). Generally always cross training and swimming or cycling on either side, switching…