

  • Your welcome to be my buddy on MFP. I lost 100 lbs years back and put it back on slowly after a car accident in 2009 and am determined to lose it again. Hope we can help motivate each other. I would love to fit back in most of the clothes in my closet.
  • Tracking everything I eat and calories burned helped me lose 100 lbs a few years ago. I gained most of it back after a car accident. Im determined to lose it again. I hope you can do the same. The accountability helps.
  • Hello! Always welcome a new fitness pal so can motivate each other with our exercise and diet goals. I lost 100lbs in 2005-2007 and gained it back after a car accident in 2009. Im determined to lose it again. Hope we can help each other
  • Feel free to add me. Always looking for another fitness pal. Hope we can motivate each other. I lost 100 lbs in 2007 and put it back on after a car accident in 2009. Now im determined to lose it again with diet and exercise.