

  • I tried it on Saturday after doing day 9 of level 1 first. Its definitely a killer but I think I was also worn out from doing level 1 first. I definitely had to do the modified version and some of that was even hard. I'm doing level 2 tonight though and I will see how it goes. I'm hoping a lot better since I won't be doing…
  • I've been switching it up between 3 and 5 lb weights. I'm thinking about getting some 8 lb weights for the chest presses but the side lunges I can only handle 3 lb weights right now. Well I can manage to do about 5 side lunges with the 5 lb weights but then I have to switch!
  • I just started the 30 Day Shred yesterday and would love to be part of a group for motivation. I'm absolutely amazed at some of the photos I have seen from people who have completed the workout. I'm bound and determined to get great results also! I always seem to lose motivation but I do not think that will happen with…