

  • Yep, you can definitely wear smaller shoes after a weight loss. New shoes has always been my very favorite reward :)
  • I couldn't imagine having an infant again (I'm 37) but I CAN remember how exhausted I was when my kids were tiny. And I was pretty darn skinny then! I'm new here & would love to make some friends - maybe we can motivate each other :) (And ditto on the thyroid thing.)
  • Congratulations! As a medical clinic manager, I can tell you that your dedication to improving your health probably made your doctor's day - they really do get excited when patients do so well. Keep it up!
  • well, from what I understand this is a common problem with women who have had children. If you haven't had children (maybe even if you have?), it might be something to take to your doctor. After my babies, I did lots of kegels and eventually purchased something called the "kegelmaster." Best money I've ever spent. Really…