Amberina23 Member


  • Occasionally it happens that you hit a "plateau" where you don't lose anything for quite a while. When you break through, you will know it, as weight will seemingly melt off... One thing to keep in mind, however, is to not have too many calories left over at the end of a day. If you are eating too FEW calories, you can…
  • I use Sara Lee light style oatmeal bread. It is 45 calories per slice and tastes better than white bread, in my opinion.
    in Bread Comment by Amberina23 August 2011
  • When I started this journey, I thought my end goal was going to be 125. As I'm getting closer, however (I'm at 144 now), I think I may stop at 130. I don't want to go too skinny, because it may be too hard to maintain.
  • It is too cheap these days not to have a professional do it. I would not want to risk the infection, or having it crooked. Plus, with the professional gun thing, it's done in a milisecond. At home, you have to ice your ear and then shove a needle through it, which takes forever (we did it in jr hi to a friend-it was…
  • that's a really good idea. I was weighing every day, trying to see immediate progress, but was instead getting frustrated because of all the bouncing around. that is my new goal, to weigh only once a week, no matter what!
  • I love that Panera does that too. One of my favorite places, and the totals make decision making so much easier. Too bad that to-die-for mac and cheese is sooooo high!