RWilliams_Fit Member


  • i am in the same boat every single month, well actually every 3 weeks since my "friend" comes 21 days apart (lucky me) i gain 7lbs literally over night (in water weight) then an additional 3 throughout the week. i have cramp, headaches, back aches, and horrible fatigue, ive taken water pills. and midol and nothing works,…
  • how the heck have u stopped drinking coffee????? that to me is amazing
  • HI LORA, ha, bad AA joke... lol well CONGRATS on your weight loss!!! thats awesome. this site is so good, tons of support and motivation, good luck!!! :) -Becca
  • welcome and good luck!!! i LOVE this place lol, it makes me not want to eat certain things because i dont want to have to put it in my food log... plus all the community forums are awesome...theres a lot of great ppl here, lots of motivation!!! :)
  • i gain a good 7-12 lbs during my period. all of a sudden one day (could be up to a week before) i wake up 7lbs heavier...then the rest creeps on until its all over. It really is awful because i feel gross, and annoyed with it. I was taking water pills but then i needed to start taking pain emds for my cramps and the combo…
  • thanks for posting this!!!
  • hey so i have simiar situation i am very stressed due to fulltime work and full time school and other crap along the way like us all...and i start my day at 4am so im eating it seems like forever, try to have low calorie snacks around u and try to drink lots of water!! you will be fine, :) keep ya head up
    in oh no Comment by RWilliams_Fit July 2010
  • tropical- ya sleep is my issue as well. i only have about 5-6 hours nightly anyway between work, school, and just life lol but i some how manage, though i would NOT manage without coffee...which is bad i know but its better then energy drinks or any of that supplement crack lol
  • mike...good for u man!! :) i try to sneak workouts in during my shifts at work since im usually opening the gym at 430, but i also workout a bit with my clients all day so i kind of workout all day i guess lol. early AM workouts kick *kitten*, and wake me the hell up !!
  • great idea as well !!! i will try drinking water first and then start my breakfast at a normal time lol thanks for the advice!
  • thanks, i never thought to take my calories and divide them by the # of times i wanna eat!! thanks definitely helped :), and damn i feel your pain, 3am is ugly, i dont see 230am being any prettier lol
  • agreed. im a personal trainer and i LOVE motivating people... but its gotta be the right fit. sometimes the chemistry just isnt there so interview, even buy 1 training (if possible) to see what it would be like before making major decisions! good luck :)
  • first of all 13lbs is AWESOME !!! and well i feel you on the depression part, at age 14 i lost the ability to feel anything from the waist down...and had to learn how to walk again once the feelings came back (thank god)...and well i am a personal trainer who runs , a lot! :) so you can do whatever you REALLY REALLY want…
  • remember every extra thing you can fit into your life (exercise wise) helps. so park further away, use stairs, get up and walk around while on the phone, do 20 jumping jacks on your break!! ANYTHING!! my favorite is my pedometer because each day i try to beat my record in steps and calories burned! eating healthy needs to…
  • CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO...cut calories and start weight lifting!! good luck :) and congrats!!
  • thanks guys!! yeah i dont over train i know that for a fact...i am a personal trainer and train very strictly.. i definately could do more cardio though lol. i will evaluate the products and see which fits me best, and yes i most certainly should have more protein!!!
  • congrats on the 20lbs =] i am actually having a hardtime making mini goals... i have already cut out all the bodies outta fitness magazines i would like to resemble...and keep the collage next to my tooth brush so i remember why i wake up at 4am everyday but i dno its hard for me to make a goal thats more reasonable ...
  • they are taking into consideration what ur activity level is daily without if your VERY active, u are allowed more calories to begin with.
  • they go with everything, they are amazing lol
  • welcome :) this is an awesome site!! good luck with your journey of losing weight and being healthier!!! :smile:
  • working the same muscles days in a row can cause over training, which actually can cause u to lose muscle....not a good look
  • hello...welcome!! and good luck :)
  • you should never workout the same muscles 2 days in a row, which means u shudnt be doing any weight training the day aftet body pump! any cardio is good, and i would say abs can be done too because body pump doesnt have enuff abs in it in my opinion. i am a personal trainer at a gym that offers body pump and its a great…
  • Hey girl, #1 CONGRATS!!!!!! 20LBS IS AWESOME!! (im jealous) and for the scale not moving for 3 weeks, well sometimes plateaing is something you cannot avoid BUT can be broken through. and what sucks about it is to break through it you gotta work like a million times harder (or so it seems) to get outta it (but since you…
  • skip it! i gain 7-10 lbs and used to go CRAZY every month (crying and all) because i just thought maybe i eat too much during that time, then i realized (once i started actually tracking calories) that it was totally all water!!! i used to weigh myself right b4/first day of it then the day after just to see the difference…
  • ya i gain 7-10 lbs every single month during that time ... its awful! i literally wake up 7 lbs heavier then gain the rest throughout the next couple days. i was told to take water pills by my doctor, but honestly they just dont work for me, i basically just dela with it and stay away from the scale now during that time!
  • how much do you workout?? thats matters a lot!:)
  • LOVE this...i recommend reading hardcore zen by bred warner...awesome book :)
  • i am not sure if this happens when your on your cycle too or not but when its that time of the month for me i literally gain 7 lbs OVER NIGHT, and wake up like a balloon, i was told by my doctor to take water pills for a couple days b4, during and after my period to help and it does!!! i also look pregnant while bloated…