

  • There are pluses and minuses to that. Yes by all means, eating less calories wil help you lose weight, but also remember that there is a "starvation mode" system set up.. in your body. If you dont eat enough that can work against you and your body will store most of it as fat. I have a great program I have been using and I…
  • I signed up for this site, several months ago, used it once and didnt think it was that great..UNTIL.. i signed up again a week ago, and I noticed that I am focused on my targets and am thinking about what i eat and how much i exercise, I agree with you 100%. I really like this site.
  • Excellent.. I have used this before and did well. i am using an excercise video myself and have been doing great. already lost 7 lbs.. and headed towards my goal.. weight watchers is a good program.. that with a good workout regimen will surely help.. best of luck.
    in New Guy Comment by Nike1176 May 2011
  • I wish you the best of luck.. Its a tough battle but once you decide you can do it. I have lost 7 lbs in about 14 days. ive made some chagnes and added some exercising and its starting to pay off. I think the key to success is believing that certain foods will make you look and feel better. plus exercise of course too.
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