chriswalls1208 Member


  • Feb 1 Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes, shoveled snow. Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes
  • No Generalization Is Worth A Damn...including This One. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes
  • I look better in the face without extra weight because my eyelids get so puffy. Guess we're all different. I do think that the skin may tighten up a bit in time. Probably depends on your genetics and things like smoking, sun exposure, etc.
  • Having trouble with my phone so I'll just post the last two days. I'll put it all together later. 6/09/2017 144.8 6/10/2017 144.9 I seem to be firmly entrenched.
  • 58 yr old, 5' 5" GW 130 GW for here: 143 Goal issues: night time snacks and beverages (esp. wine) 6/02/17 144.6 6/03/17 145.5 That's the wrong direction but I'm not upset. Yesterday was leg day at the gym. I ate well, had no snacks after dinner, or any alcohol. So a good start. 6/04/17 145.4 OK, today I'm disappointed. Oh…
  • 58 yr old, 5' 5" GW 130 GW for here: 143 Goal issues: night time snacks and beverages (esp. wine) 6/02/17 144.6 6/03/17 145.5 That's the wrong direction but I'm not upset. Yesterday was leg day at the gym. I ate well, had no snacks after dinner, or any alcohol. So a good start. 6/04/17 145.4 OK, today I'm disappointed. Oh…
  • 58 yr old, 5' 5" GW 130 GW for here: 143 Goal issues: night time snacks and beverages (esp. wine) 6/02/17 144.6 6/03/17 145.5 That's the wrong direction but I'm not upset. Yesterday was leg day at the gym. I ate well, had no snacks after dinner, or any alcohol. So a good start. 6/04/17 145.4 OK, today I'm disappointed. Oh…
  • 58 yr old, 5' 5" GW 130 GW for here: 143 Goal issues: night time snacks and beverages (esp. wine) 6/02/17 144.6 6/03/17 145.5 That's the wrong direction but I'm not upset. Yesterday was leg day at the gym. I ate well, had no snacks after dinner, or any alcohol. So a good start. 6/04/17 145.4 OK, today I'm disappointed. Oh…
  • 6/03/17 145.5 That's the wrong direction but I'm not upset. Yesterday was leg day at the gym. I ate well, had no snacks after dinner, or any alcohol. So a good start. Sorry, I couldn't find my post from yesterday to copy. I'll get it when I have access to a computer tomorrow.
  • @SaleenGirl305 and @hillcrestbaby, I'm in too! Guess I'll just avoid the dining room where that open bottle of red is lurking! ;) I've been working out very hard for three months and only made a teeny bit of progress. I think that this has been my Achilles heel.
  • I'm 58. I lift weights and do intervals of running /walking 3 to 4 days a week. My eventual intermediate GW is 130lbs. If I can get under 140 during this challenge, I'll be tickled. I don't expect to sustain that wt in this short of a period... Just SEE it. Day Weight Comments 06/02 144.5 06/03 06/04 06/05 06/06 06/07…
  • I'm in too! I'm also one who really enjoys a nightly glass or two of wine...and then maybe a little cheese...and then a cracker...(you get the idea!) I need to make some new and better habits. This just might be the ticket! My eventual intermediate GW is 130lbs. If I can get under 140 during this challenge, I'll be…
  • @amynb524 Your dedication has really paid off: You look just amazing!
  • Too bad that the original post is to wordy for a t-shirt. Love to have one!
  • I'm another person who gets derailed by sugar/sweets. I said sweets because I think even diet drinks tend to make me crave more's not as strong, but still there. When I was in college, I remember an acquaintance who had lost wt and gotten in shape told me that if I gave it up, the cravings would eventually go…
  • Mine stopped syncing over the weekend. I'm not sure where the problem lies, MFP or BMF. This has only happened one or two times to me in the year I've had my Link. It always was straightened out within a day or so before.
  • It makes the most sense to me if I log food with MFP but allow BMF to calculate my deficits. MFP wants to use 'net' calories and that isn't what I want to see. I log with MFP but nothing more. I just allow that data to feed into Bodymedia. I know quite a few others who do the same thing. My Link data isn't uploading at the…
  • jaz, I'm not short (5'5") but I was about 137 and trying to get under 130 for YEARS using calorie counting and eventually a Fitbit too. I got my BMF in early spring and I'm now under 130 most of the time. I've also shot for a small deficit and regular activity. (I alternate days of 30' interval running/walking or simple…
  • How's it going for you? I've just finally given in to the eat more to lose train of thought. I've been messing around for YEARS with the same 5 to 10 lbs. Just got my BMF Link at the beginning of April. I'm 5' 5.5" and weigh a little under 132 now. I've lost about 4 lbs since adjusting my plan 2 months ago. And it's pretty…
  • What a fantastic role model you are for your children! Congratulations on what you've done for yourself and your family. Thanks for sharing. It really is inspirational.
  • What a difference! I'd have guessed you lost even more than 19 lbs. Way to go!!!