Who has not much to lose, but is losing?

jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
I'm 47, 5ft 7 and weigh 148 pounds. Everyone I speak to / read says I should be doing something different but I have been losing and gaining the same few pounds for a year.
I have been told to eat 1400 and just try to be active by a dietician. Thento eat 1600 and burn 2600 by a sports scientist at kifit (Bodymedia )- we tried 500, then 750 deficit first.
I'm doing Chalean extreme strength DVDs and the odd cardio stuff. Plus long walks with the dogs.

What have other people, with not much to lose found works?
I KNOW I have to be patient but am finding it hard to commit to one regime as I have totally lost confidence that I will ever lose weight. I know I'm not a biological creek but also can't understand why nothing I is working.


  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Meant to say. If I sit down all day, my sedentary calculation according to MFP and online calculators is 1600 but BMF makes it 2000
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
  • hballack
    hballack Posts: 114 Member

    I'm close to your height/weight. I'm 36 years old, 5'7" and 141 lb. I started with my bodymedia 1/2013 after getting it for a Christmas gift at 148 lbs. So my weight loss has been slow too, but I have been pleased with my results. Check out the Eat more to weigh less group. They recommend eating at a smaller deficit and lifting weights, so ultimately you recomposition your body and look better. I can't say that you will lose weight quicker, but I do like being able to eat more, and I feel like it is something I can stick with long term.

    Good luck!

  • zlauerMom
    zlauerMom Posts: 183 Member
    I'm 47, 5ft 7 and weigh 148 pounds. Everyone I speak to / read says I should be doing something different but I have been losing and gaining the same few pounds for a year.
    I have been told to eat 1400 and just try to be active by a dietician. Thento eat 1600 and burn 2600 by a sports scientist at kifit (Bodymedia )- we tried 500, then 750 deficit first.
    I'm doing Chalean extreme strength DVDs and the odd cardio stuff. Plus long walks with the dogs.

    What have other people, with not much to lose found works?
    I KNOW I have to be patient but am finding it hard to commit to one regime as I have totally lost confidence that I will ever lose weight. I know I'm not a biological creek but also can't understand why nothing I is working.
    Do you have any idea what your body fat percentage is? I ask because I'm 5ft 3 and when I weigh 148 pounds I'm at about 24%body fat. I'm 44 and that puts me in the normal range for my age.

    You're taller and could have a lower BF%. If that were the case, you'd find it very difficult to lose weight.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Yes it's 36%. I'm a small frame so do have excess fat to get rid of. I'm happy for loss to be slow but its just NOT happening.
  • Carriesund
    Carriesund Posts: 37 Member
    I stalled out with my weight loss a few months ago and then a few weeks ago I started counting calories again and still nothing. I ordered the body media device and found that what used to be giving me a great cardio workout was just not doing it for me anymore.
    I am 5'1" and I was 127 lbs a little over a week ago and I am down to 125. I started walking for an hour for some additional moderate exercise with my hubby and the dog. I also have been trying various things to get my heart rate up higher and keep it there. So I am thinking that changing up the routine exercise is probably the best way to go. I like the treadmill because you can change the speed or incline to get that extra burn. I was doing pole dance fitness classes.....I mean I am because I am addicted to them and they are great for building your upper body and core strength. I used to be a big sweaty mess when I was done with class and well not so much these days but I have been doing it for over a year.

    I hope that helps but I have been there very frustrated that I am always stuck somewhere and knowing that I am not overweight but there is still a lot of fat in my midsection that I don't like. I work my core a lot and I would really like to see the muscles and yet people keep insisting that I don't need to lose anymore weight or that I don't have that much fat....kind of like they think you are a freak for wanting to get the last few excess pounds of fat off.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Going to make my deficit between 500-750 from tomorrow. Going to start a CE/Turbofire/insanity hybrid and determined to try this for two months. I keep chopping and changing. I need to give it a go
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I know I am late to the party but I am also 5'7" and I had to up my deficit to around 30-35% (per the BMF) to see any real change on the scale. I think I was losing some body fat at a lower deficit but it was EXTREMELY slow and the scale was all over the place and measurements were barely moving. I am down to the very last bit of weight and trying to get to a sub 20% body fat level so it is harder for me to do. I was bouncing around between 130-135lb for a year on a low deficit and since I started a 30% deficit I have gotten down to 127lb.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    That's interesting. Everyone on here seems to say the opposite. One of the scientists at KI fit ( the UK BMF) said I should eat 1600 and burn 2600. MY BMR is about 1500. I thought this might be too high a deficit though.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I average 2400 TDEE per my BMF and I wasn't seeing much change with eating 1900 calories or so. Like I said, I do think I was losing a tiny bit of bodyfat but not nearly what I wanted. It wasn't until I started eating 1500-1600 that I saw consistent losses (not just losing the same 2-3 pounds over and over). I am trying to slowly inch my way back up to a much smaller deficit to see if I can maintain 127lb on higher calories but it seems like after 9 months I needed lower calories to jump start the losses again.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I average 2400 TDEE per my BMF and I wasn't seeing much change with eating 1900 calories or so. Like I said, I do think I was losing a tiny bit of bodyfat but not nearly what I wanted. It wasn't until I started eating 1500-1600 that I saw consistent losses (not just losing the same 2-3 pounds over and over). I am trying to slowly inch my way back up to a much smaller deficit to see if I can maintain 127lb on higher calories but it seems like after 9 months I needed lower calories to jump start the losses again.

    Thanks. Maybe I need to increase my deficit from 500 then.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Good luck. It is worth a shot to try to get this moving again.
  • chriswalls1208
    chriswalls1208 Posts: 1,115 Member
    How's it going for you? I've just finally given in to the eat more to lose train of thought. I've been messing around for YEARS with the same 5 to 10 lbs. Just got my BMF Link at the beginning of April. I'm 5' 5.5" and weigh a little under 132 now. I've lost about 4 lbs since adjusting my plan 2 months ago. And it's pretty much slowly steady downward instead of the wild fluctuations. My BMF says I burn about 1900-2000 cals and I've been eating around 1400. I want about a 300 cal deficit, I'm just being cautious (overly?) until I'm sure of my numbers. It just makes sense to me to have a small deficit to get there because if I can't maintain it, what's the point? "Live like the person you want to be", is my new motto.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Since my last post, I analysed my data and found I wasn't as good as I thought I was. I would stick to my targets for say a week and then have a bad day, making the excuse i was ill, or it was my birthday or I went out to dinner etc etc. so when I looked at average deficits, they weren't what I thought they were. I had a selective menu. So, for the last week I've been saving any extra deficit calories for the weekend so I can relax more. I'm going to strictly keep my deficit at 500 and see what happens.
  • majoki
    majoki Posts: 151 Member
    I'm 5'11" and currently 151.5, so I'm pretty much at/near goal weight - I want to start lifting soon (I was lifting up until 2 months ago , but I'm in physical therapy now and I was told to stop).

    Anyway, before using my BMF, I had been eating 1400 calories net and I lost weight steadily. I started using the BMF on March 21 when I was around 156 lbs. I upped my calories to a daily average of 1800 while my average burn is 2420. I'm still losing weight, but more slowly. So I've lost ~4.5lbs in the last 6.5 weeks, and I'm very content with this pace.

    So a ~600 calorie deficit is working for me.

    Edited to note that I am 36 years old (well, I will be in a few days =) )