paisley55 Member


  • I just ordered some pure hemp protein, I'm hoping that will help. Getting protein without fat is a problem for me. They suggest to mix it with almond milk and a frozen banana for a smoothie. I got mine from Vitamin shoppe, but I'm sure there are plenty of places to get it. Good luck, I'll try to get back to you with the…
  • steps at work are good, I guess all I can say is try to do more of them, but that's easier said than done. I do coffee runs for my co-workers. Since the coffee is a flight of stairs away I get in a few extra that way. Keep doing whatever you can. I work in a cubicle, so I try to stretch when I can to get the blood flowing.…
  • I think that's the best way to look at it. Don't over analyze a good thing.
  • If your heart rate doesn't go through the roof while you're exercising and the Dr. says you're ok, go for it. Sometimes caffiene will trip my heart up, so will some allergy meds. Keep going!! They dehydration is a good point too. Keep an eye on that. Good luck to you, I'm just starting.