

  • Congratulations! You made the very first step in a long, but very doable journey. Take it one day at a time. Walk one step at a time. You CAN do it. Use this motto, print it out on a large piece of paper and hang it where you exercise, where you eat, and keep a smaller copy in your wallet: "Time To Train". I hope it will…
  • Lodestar Lost. Reneelleen, I lost my job a year ago and still unemployed. I have a wife and 2 boys as well. I have lost motivation to stay fit more times than you have checked your email. About a month ago i realized that all the reason i had for loosing weight were all external (job, friends, sons, and so on). A few days…
  • you have lost 41 pounds ???? OMG!!! That is incredible. Keep up the outstanding work. What motivated you to get you this far? I also understand. in the fall/winter the mornings are really bad for me, my body wants to sleep in really really bad. on days when i'm dead beat i just workout at night. other wise i have no…
  • wow. well from looking at your stats, it looks like you are doing really well. where did the motivation come from when you did this the first time?
  • Eat Healthy: Did you know that, those days you fall off the wagon and "...that awful afternoon time comes along and I cave in and eat all kinds of junk and the diet plan goes out the window...", did you know that you should congratulate yourself? You need to give your self a pat on the back because you are trying. This…